- okay- *aiyanna sits down and waits. She in a lot pain which makes her uncomfortable so she doesn't sits still for very long before getting back up*
Bramd - old
*After a moment Mortar comes out with cotton balls, needle and thread, and a pain medication* Alright, I'm assuming that you know what I'm gonna do. -
*aiyanna sits down again* -its gonna smart too you might want to have hovark hold me down cause i might jerk a little bit- *hovark is walking up to them when he gets closer he can see the damage that karma inflicted upon aiyanna* "You gonna need a hand with her?" He asks
Bramd - old
Only if she resists, yes, other than that, you can watch. Ready? -
-yeah i am- *she holds still* "Okay "
Bramd - old
*Mortar cleans off the needle and begins sewing up one of the larger wounds* At the ready Hovark -
*aiyanna jerks when mortar starts to stitch up the cut* *hovark grabs by the collar and holds her still so mortar finish stitch* *aiyanna whimpers a little as you work.*
Bramd - old
It's okay, I'm almost done this one. *Mortar finishes the stitch and cuts off the needle. He gets another one and starts on another wound* This is a large one here -
"Yeah that is karma did a number on her" *she jerks again and whimpers some more. But she can't move cause hovark is hold her still and he got a hold of her so she can't move her head*
Bramd - old
Yeah, I get that, I don't like this either. *After sewing many wounds, and trying to distract with Conversation, Aiyanna is eventually all stitched up, and Mortar backs up* Alright, you're good. Swallow this pill and get some water, you'll feel a little better. -
*hovark lets go of her and she stands up. She takes the pill and swallows its.* -thank you for the help- -im gonna go lay down in serenity's room- *she walks in the cave and goes to her spot in serenity room then lays down in her spot* "I really hope those bite wounds on her back dont get infected" says hovark
Bramd - old
The pill is coated with an antibiotic, it should help. She may be stiff for a while, but after a week or so, she'll be fine, just gotta take out the stitches. -
"She probably sleep a lot then but serenity will probably keep real close eye on her."says hovark
Bramd - old
True. I'll see if Sonya can help her out for the week, considering Sonya will know what stuff she likes the most. -
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. cause i have no idea what she likes we normally let her do her own thing. but since she hurt we need to make sure that her stitches heal properly. " says hovark. "Aiyanna has a spot in serenity's room where she sleep its pretty much a huge pile straw and soft grass cause she wouldn't sleep in the other bed serenity made for her" says hovark.
Bramd - old
Ah, yes. I'll go talk to Cyan. *Mortar runs into the forest. He eventually gets to the Exiled base. It is stained with War... Extinguished torches, Broken weapon pieces everywhere, some bloodstains on the trees* Sonya! Sonya! You out there?! -
*you starts hearing rustling in the bushes to your left*
Bramd - old
*Mortar readies his sword* Sonya? -
*Sonya jumps out of the bushes and walking out behind her is the half demon from before -hi mortar whats up-
Bramd - old
Oh, hey guys. Oh, Skyshard, you were right, your Carmack and Karma came, which is why I needed Sonya, because... well, while we were fighting them, Aiyanna was... Injured, badly, and I needed Sonya to help her, because you'd probably know what she'd like. Because... you're both Black Shucks. Don't worry, Carmack and Karma are dead now. -
"Well it sounds like you guys were busy with that and i could sense there approach"she says -well where she at right now cause i dont mind helping her till she gets better-
Bramd - old
Alright. Let's get to their place. *Mortar begins walking to their home* I don't think Cyan will mind... -
-no i dont think she will- *sonya walks with mortar to there home* -so what exactly attacked her -
Bramd - old
Two werewolves, both REALLY wanted Leyla. I still have no idea why people are after her... -
-well shit i hate werewolves smugs bastards they are-