Since the servers are down -momentarily, I hope- I thought I could introduce myself to the community and maybe get an off-topic art thread going for anyone to share anything (within the forum rules of course).
My IGN is Sesaline, and I am new to Destiny. I've yet to run any raid, haha. Honestly, I don't mind skipping the headache. I have a three month old daughter named Robin; my husband's name is Jay. I like to draw babes or anything cute. A mix of both is where it's at 👌!
These need to be revived. Art threads are under appreciated. It's tilted on its side for some reason but here's something I painted recently to get this thread moving again (hopefully)
Edited by stripward: 6/17/2016 2:42:25 AMi draw shit dragons lol
I see there's [i]another[/i] art showcase. Sadly, my access to PowerPoint 2010 is no longer a thing, but I still have art I created with it. [spoiler]Yes, art with [i]PowerPoint 2010[/i]. You thought [i]this was impossible? I have done what has not been.[/spoiler][/i]
Edited by LowIQPlayz3445: 6/11/2016 9:22:21 AM[quote]husbands name is Jay[/quote] Sorry, but that name is already taken. Please inform him that he needs to go down to the court house and have that fixed asap. Jokes aside... I can't draw but I love recreating costumes ^^ (which I guess is kinda artistic I dunno ._.)
Hey OP, your link doesn't work; you put the URL as a string instead of as an actual link. I'm Fotbitr. I'm basically human trash and draw mostly fanart and whatever strikes my fancy.
I've done quite a bit of work with pencil and paper, a little bit of charcoal on newsprint, a hint of work with paint and ink (either through drip-pen or via brush) on varying types of paper, some class-required 3-D art, and I happen to paint 40k models from time to time. There's also a couple photoshops I've done but those are stories similar to some of my 3-D art. Then again the fact that I occasionally make some of my pencil and paper works stand up on their own through careful cutting and taping could arguably make them count as 3-D depending on who you ask...
I paint green
Edited by Uraqtpi II: 6/11/2016 2:41:42 AMHere's an old one.
Made this once.
Bump cannon
Have you ever drawn a Babe like this?
- I use to play around in Photoshop, mostly just making wallpapers and forum signatures for people on other forums for the fun of it. Here's some of the stuff I still have on my computer.
Bump 4 later
Edited by purgy330: 6/10/2016 7:05:38 PMBump (erase the part about destiny if u want to survive here) [spoiler] inb4╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚SWIGGITY SWESTICLE I BANISH THEE DESTICLE [/spoiler]