originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Mortar cleans off the needle and begins sewing up one of the larger wounds*
At the ready Hovark
*aiyanna jerks when mortar starts to stitch up the cut* *hovark grabs by the collar and holds her still so mortar finish stitch* *aiyanna whimpers a little as you work.*
It's okay, I'm almost done this one. *Mortar finishes the stitch and cuts off the needle. He gets another one and starts on another wound* This is a large one here
"Yeah that is karma did a number on her" *she jerks again and whimpers some more. But she can't move cause hovark is hold her still and he got a hold of her so she can't move her head*
Yeah, I get that, I don't like this either. *After sewing many wounds, and trying to distract with Conversation, Aiyanna is eventually all stitched up, and Mortar backs up* Alright, you're good. Swallow this pill and get some water, you'll feel a little better.
*hovark lets go of her and she stands up. She takes the pill and swallows its.* -thank you for the help- -im gonna go lay down in serenity's room- *she walks in the cave and goes to her spot in serenity room then lays down in her spot* "I really hope those bite wounds on her back dont get infected" says hovark
The pill is coated with an antibiotic, it should help. She may be stiff for a while, but after a week or so, she'll be fine, just gotta take out the stitches.
"She probably sleep a lot then but serenity will probably keep real close eye on her."says hovark
True. I'll see if Sonya can help her out for the week, considering Sonya will know what stuff she likes the most.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. cause i have no idea what she likes we normally let her do her own thing. but since she hurt we need to make sure that her stitches heal properly. " says hovark. "Aiyanna has a spot in serenity's room where she sleep its pretty much a huge pile straw and soft grass cause she wouldn't sleep in the other bed serenity made for her" says hovark.
Ah, yes. I'll go talk to Cyan. *Mortar runs into the forest. He eventually gets to the Exiled base. It is stained with War... Extinguished torches, Broken weapon pieces everywhere, some bloodstains on the trees* Sonya! Sonya! You out there?!
*you starts hearing rustling in the bushes to your left*
*Mortar readies his sword* Sonya?
*Sonya jumps out of the bushes and walking out behind her is the half demon from before -hi mortar whats up-
Oh, hey guys. Oh, Skyshard, you were right, your Carmack and Karma came, which is why I needed Sonya, because... well, while we were fighting them, Aiyanna was... Injured, badly, and I needed Sonya to help her, because you'd probably know what she'd like. Because... you're both Black Shucks. Don't worry, Carmack and Karma are dead now.
"Well it sounds like you guys were busy with that and i could sense there approach"she says -well where she at right now cause i dont mind helping her till she gets better-
Alright. Let's get to their place. *Mortar begins walking to their home* I don't think Cyan will mind...
-no i dont think she will- *sonya walks with mortar to there home* -so what exactly attacked her -
Two werewolves, both REALLY wanted Leyla. I still have no idea why people are after her...
-well shit i hate werewolves smugs bastards they are-
Yeah... I actually ran into one back in '03, barely made it out alive. Of course, I was like, 20, and this was one of the first things I've encountered
-yeah werewolves and shucks dont get along they fight each other to the death so luckly you intervened when you did- *the cave is now full view and sonya sees a large man standing in mouth of it. She never seen this man before* -who that standing there?-
I don't know... *Mortar hears a familiar sound and instantly knows that someone is watching him and the figure* *The presence behind you whispers to Mortar* [i]Don't do anything stupid[/i]
*then with a poof of feathers a the man turns into nightshade * -oh hey mortar it just you hovark told to stand guard dont tell you didn't know i could change form right- *nightshade flaps his wings keeping himself airborne in the spot where he once stood* -there in the back if your looking for them sorry if startled you two-
[i]You THREE[/i] *Crossbow walks out of his hiding place as Sonya walks over to Aiyanna* [b]Hey there, how are you doing Aiyanna?[/b]
*aiyanna looks at from her bed in the corner* -i hurt all over if hovark didn't pull her off me when he did i would have even worse- -i would stand up but i dont want to pop my stitches- *serenity is sitting on her bed watching the two of them