Bramd - old
True. I'll see if Sonya can help her out for the week, considering Sonya will know what stuff she likes the most. -
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. cause i have no idea what she likes we normally let her do her own thing. but since she hurt we need to make sure that her stitches heal properly. " says hovark. "Aiyanna has a spot in serenity's room where she sleep its pretty much a huge pile straw and soft grass cause she wouldn't sleep in the other bed serenity made for her" says hovark.
Bramd - old
Ah, yes. I'll go talk to Cyan. *Mortar runs into the forest. He eventually gets to the Exiled base. It is stained with War... Extinguished torches, Broken weapon pieces everywhere, some bloodstains on the trees* Sonya! Sonya! You out there?! -
*you starts hearing rustling in the bushes to your left*
Bramd - old
*Mortar readies his sword* Sonya? -
*Sonya jumps out of the bushes and walking out behind her is the half demon from before -hi mortar whats up-
Bramd - old
Oh, hey guys. Oh, Skyshard, you were right, your Carmack and Karma came, which is why I needed Sonya, because... well, while we were fighting them, Aiyanna was... Injured, badly, and I needed Sonya to help her, because you'd probably know what she'd like. Because... you're both Black Shucks. Don't worry, Carmack and Karma are dead now. -
"Well it sounds like you guys were busy with that and i could sense there approach"she says -well where she at right now cause i dont mind helping her till she gets better-
Bramd - old
Alright. Let's get to their place. *Mortar begins walking to their home* I don't think Cyan will mind... -
-no i dont think she will- *sonya walks with mortar to there home* -so what exactly attacked her -
Bramd - old
Two werewolves, both REALLY wanted Leyla. I still have no idea why people are after her... -
-well shit i hate werewolves smugs bastards they are-
Bramd - old
Yeah... I actually ran into one back in '03, barely made it out alive. Of course, I was like, 20, and this was one of the first things I've encountered -
-yeah werewolves and shucks dont get along they fight each other to the death so luckly you intervened when you did- *the cave is now full view and sonya sees a large man standing in mouth of it. She never seen this man before* -who that standing there?-
Bramd - old
I don't know... *Mortar hears a familiar sound and instantly knows that someone is watching him and the figure* *The presence behind you whispers to Mortar* [i]Don't do anything stupid[/i] -
*then with a poof of feathers a the man turns into nightshade * -oh hey mortar it just you hovark told to stand guard dont tell you didn't know i could change form right- *nightshade flaps his wings keeping himself airborne in the spot where he once stood* -there in the back if your looking for them sorry if startled you two-
Bramd - old
[i]You THREE[/i] *Crossbow walks out of his hiding place as Sonya walks over to Aiyanna* [b]Hey there, how are you doing Aiyanna?[/b] -
*aiyanna looks at from her bed in the corner* -i hurt all over if hovark didn't pull her off me when he did i would have even worse- -i would stand up but i dont want to pop my stitches- *serenity is sitting on her bed watching the two of them
Bramd - old
*Mortar sits next to Serenity* Hopefully they don't send any more pawns... Aiyanna is Vulnerable, I'm not doing so well, and I'm not sure if Leyla can take the stress. -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/11/2016 3:55:20 PM"Niether do i oh and being to say this for a while now but i found this photo in my dad room dont asks me why i was in there but i didn't know my father was a twin" says serenity *serenity pulls out a picture that shows two men standing a side by side and are exactly a like* "Who is this kiev" she asks
Bramd - old
Oh, uh... *Mortar remembers his run in with Kiev* He died -
"I see but what do we if they do show up?" She asks
Bramd - old
If Karma and Carmack were the worst of it, we can take them. -
"I hope so but i wont let any harm be fall my little sister. Right now she probably hiding in the smaller tunnel in this cave. But i do know this leyla is a lot stronger than she leads on. To think less of her is not very wise i have only seen her snap once before about a thousand years back she leveled a entire town in a fit of rage. But i have feeling if so called coven keeps pushing her i have a feeling it will be like that again." *serenity wears serious expression on her face when says this.* "I have always done my best to keep her calm but if she does snap no one will be safe because if she does"she says grimly.
Bramd - old
I get that, when I revolted against my dad and the underworld, it ended up being crippled, took years to bring it back, with my dad in power. And that was when I was a spirit, a nonexistent being. If it happens, I will stop her.