Bramd - old
*Mortar readies his sword* Sonya? -
*Sonya jumps out of the bushes and walking out behind her is the half demon from before -hi mortar whats up-
Bramd - old
Oh, hey guys. Oh, Skyshard, you were right, your Carmack and Karma came, which is why I needed Sonya, because... well, while we were fighting them, Aiyanna was... Injured, badly, and I needed Sonya to help her, because you'd probably know what she'd like. Because... you're both Black Shucks. Don't worry, Carmack and Karma are dead now. -
"Well it sounds like you guys were busy with that and i could sense there approach"she says -well where she at right now cause i dont mind helping her till she gets better-
Bramd - old
Alright. Let's get to their place. *Mortar begins walking to their home* I don't think Cyan will mind... -
-no i dont think she will- *sonya walks with mortar to there home* -so what exactly attacked her -
Bramd - old
Two werewolves, both REALLY wanted Leyla. I still have no idea why people are after her... -
-well shit i hate werewolves smugs bastards they are-
Bramd - old
Yeah... I actually ran into one back in '03, barely made it out alive. Of course, I was like, 20, and this was one of the first things I've encountered -
-yeah werewolves and shucks dont get along they fight each other to the death so luckly you intervened when you did- *the cave is now full view and sonya sees a large man standing in mouth of it. She never seen this man before* -who that standing there?-
Bramd - old
I don't know... *Mortar hears a familiar sound and instantly knows that someone is watching him and the figure* *The presence behind you whispers to Mortar* [i]Don't do anything stupid[/i] -
*then with a poof of feathers a the man turns into nightshade * -oh hey mortar it just you hovark told to stand guard dont tell you didn't know i could change form right- *nightshade flaps his wings keeping himself airborne in the spot where he once stood* -there in the back if your looking for them sorry if startled you two-
Bramd - old
[i]You THREE[/i] *Crossbow walks out of his hiding place as Sonya walks over to Aiyanna* [b]Hey there, how are you doing Aiyanna?[/b] -
*aiyanna looks at from her bed in the corner* -i hurt all over if hovark didn't pull her off me when he did i would have even worse- -i would stand up but i dont want to pop my stitches- *serenity is sitting on her bed watching the two of them
Bramd - old
*Mortar sits next to Serenity* Hopefully they don't send any more pawns... Aiyanna is Vulnerable, I'm not doing so well, and I'm not sure if Leyla can take the stress. -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/11/2016 3:55:20 PM"Niether do i oh and being to say this for a while now but i found this photo in my dad room dont asks me why i was in there but i didn't know my father was a twin" says serenity *serenity pulls out a picture that shows two men standing a side by side and are exactly a like* "Who is this kiev" she asks
Bramd - old
Oh, uh... *Mortar remembers his run in with Kiev* He died -
"I see but what do we if they do show up?" She asks
Bramd - old
If Karma and Carmack were the worst of it, we can take them. -
"I hope so but i wont let any harm be fall my little sister. Right now she probably hiding in the smaller tunnel in this cave. But i do know this leyla is a lot stronger than she leads on. To think less of her is not very wise i have only seen her snap once before about a thousand years back she leveled a entire town in a fit of rage. But i have feeling if so called coven keeps pushing her i have a feeling it will be like that again." *serenity wears serious expression on her face when says this.* "I have always done my best to keep her calm but if she does snap no one will be safe because if she does"she says grimly.
Bramd - old
I get that, when I revolted against my dad and the underworld, it ended up being crippled, took years to bring it back, with my dad in power. And that was when I was a spirit, a nonexistent being. If it happens, I will stop her. -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/11/2016 6:30:37 PM"I was barely able to stop her last time when gets like she unable to control her powers. Thats why it in a best interest to keep her calm. And leyla knows this full well she told me numerous times she is afraid of her own powers and she said she would hate herself someone got hurt because of her." She says. *serenity pushs the hair out her eyes* "Im pretty shes hiding right now blaming herself " *meanwhile elsewhere....* *leyla walks through the small passage through cave that leads to a small underwater cavern. She sits down at the waters edge stares into the water. She is deeply troubled she slides into the water. She transforms into her water form* *back in serenitys room * "I do know where she is hiding though. There underwater cavern far in if you take the tunnel behind that curtain it will take you to her" she says as she points at black curtain next to the desk on the far wall.
Bramd - old
I know how she feels. I blame myself every day for letting Gore take me over for so long. I am unstoppable when Gore takes over my Apocalyptic form, Bahamortar. I'll find Leyla, I can find anyone. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms next to Leyla* Hey there, how are you feeling? -
*serenity watches him disappear she looks at aiyanna who is sleeping and sonya is sitting next to her* *leyla doesn't notice mortar right away then she looks up* "Oh hi mortar what brings you here.." says leyla "Why does everyone keep hunting me like im some prize to be had they only seek my power but it frightens me more than anything else. Cause my very power scares me more than anyone realizes." She says her hands are trembling *leyla stares at the water* "Maybe it would be easier i just disappear without trace" she says sadly
Bramd - old
No, no. Look, at the very least, it will die down, we have killed their best members. And Serenity told me about your strength and I get it. I blamed myself every day for letting Gore consume me for as long as I did, but, instead of worrying about it, I learned how to use it, and now I'm stronger than ever.