Bramd - old
I get that, when I revolted against my dad and the underworld, it ended up being crippled, took years to bring it back, with my dad in power. And that was when I was a spirit, a nonexistent being. If it happens, I will stop her. -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/11/2016 6:30:37 PM"I was barely able to stop her last time when gets like she unable to control her powers. Thats why it in a best interest to keep her calm. And leyla knows this full well she told me numerous times she is afraid of her own powers and she said she would hate herself someone got hurt because of her." She says. *serenity pushs the hair out her eyes* "Im pretty shes hiding right now blaming herself " *meanwhile elsewhere....* *leyla walks through the small passage through cave that leads to a small underwater cavern. She sits down at the waters edge stares into the water. She is deeply troubled she slides into the water. She transforms into her water form* *back in serenitys room * "I do know where she is hiding though. There underwater cavern far in if you take the tunnel behind that curtain it will take you to her" she says as she points at black curtain next to the desk on the far wall.
Bramd - old
I know how she feels. I blame myself every day for letting Gore take me over for so long. I am unstoppable when Gore takes over my Apocalyptic form, Bahamortar. I'll find Leyla, I can find anyone. *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms next to Leyla* Hey there, how are you feeling? -
*serenity watches him disappear she looks at aiyanna who is sleeping and sonya is sitting next to her* *leyla doesn't notice mortar right away then she looks up* "Oh hi mortar what brings you here.." says leyla "Why does everyone keep hunting me like im some prize to be had they only seek my power but it frightens me more than anything else. Cause my very power scares me more than anyone realizes." She says her hands are trembling *leyla stares at the water* "Maybe it would be easier i just disappear without trace" she says sadly
Bramd - old
No, no. Look, at the very least, it will die down, we have killed their best members. And Serenity told me about your strength and I get it. I blamed myself every day for letting Gore consume me for as long as I did, but, instead of worrying about it, I learned how to use it, and now I'm stronger than ever. -
"I have lived with this power my whole life i could easily if i snapped i could level a whole town before anyone could even stop me." She says grimly "That main reason i do my very best to stay calm cause i found that powers are linked to my negative emotions if become upset or angry or in some instances it just pure sadness that triggers it." She says "That why my sister tries so hard to keep me happy but i can tell that she frightened of me so is my dad" she says. "Theres has been some instances where have been heading to that point and it take just about everything not to snap. Thats why serenity and hovark carry sleeping darts that strong enough to take down a bull elephant in case i get out control they put me asleep before that happens" she says "They have used them on me several times"she says
Bramd - old
That is awful, having your family hold Tranquilizer darts with them in case you snap. But I still know your pain. Emotion was what made me destroy worlds as Gore, angered into destroying them. I still blame myself for it. But you have family to help you with this, I only have Cyan, and she's away a lot. And this isn't coming from me as a fellow Dojo member, this is coming from me as a good friend that wants to help you, and had been in similar situations. That is why I'm not scared of you. -
"Yes and makes feel me like a burden to them" "That means saying you not afraid of me cause most people are" "But here the thing though there no other self to me it just a ticking time bomb. I wish i could control but its like trying to get the sun stop to rising everyday. I have tried for years upon years to control it" she say "But its hard too unbelievable so" she says
Bramd - old
Hey, don't call yourself a burden! You are not a burden. -
"But i am though if was didn't have these powers would have to worry about ever having to control or worry about them" she says "So tend spend a lot time by myself a lot even now this the one spot you will always find me lately if im not with my sister im here" she says
Bramd - old
Oh... I feel like, now that you can do magic, there is some emotional alteration spell that you can use... God knows Wit used it when his girlfriend broke up with him. -
"I always been able to i just never use unless i absolutely have to like when i had to use that one spell on you that one time i didn't want to but i didn't want you to hurt anyone"she says "And to be perfectly fair when i used that spell i was holding back alot more than you realize"she says
Bramd - old
I'm not criticizing you, I know that you were holding back, I'm just suggesting a small spell that alters the way you feel. -
"But do you think something like that would work on me?" She says
Bramd - old
Hey, if it worked for Wit. -
"Well i am different than him though half and half there not one drop human blood in me"shes say "The effectiveness may differ" she says
Bramd - old
Perhaps... *Mortar looks around, his face changes to worry* I sense something outside. -
"What no can get to me here"she says "Who is it though?"she asks
Bramd - old
I'm not sure, I'll check though. *Mortar dissolves into the ground. After a moment, he reforms. His face is pale* There is someone outside, but he's not here for you I think. -
"Whplo is he here for?" She asks
Bramd - old
Here's an unexpected plot twist, he's probably here for me, and I can guess it's because of my father. -
"Why is that and better not be causing any trouble cause if does he wish he hadn't" she says *she gets up out the water * "Why did show up here out all places?"she asks
Bramd - old
I don't know why he's here, of all places, other than he'd probably have the ability to track an energy I exert. -
"Well thats a little weird for him to have that ability." She says "Lets just hope he doesn't try anything cause im in no mood for bs from this guy"she says sternly "Lets just go what this guy wants" she say as she walks towards the tunnel" *she enters the small and walks through it until gets to her sister room as she steps out from behind the curtain*
Bramd - old
*outside is a man in black Valhite armor, his mask resembling a grey skull. He has a wicked looking sword sheathed on his back and a sickly green knife on his thigh*