It is shameful to see that you publish new DLC only for PS4 and XBOX ONE, I find it disappointing ...
And for those who have the PS3, how have we done? Stop playing Destiny? Or slam the money for a console that does not want it?
Personally, I liked Desiny I even ask my parents to buy me the king of corrupt that cost quite expansive But you let me down, I did more than to see others benefit for " This new DLC " and to put all my figurine, t-shirt... etc to the attic react with me friends together can have a bit of hope for Rise of Iron on PS3.
Ps: I'm french
Edited by Dark_Assassin022: 6/11/2016 8:23:01 PM Here's the reason why, if they were to release it for previous generation, a fair portion of the content you paid for would have to be removed, and bungie do not want to do that