originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
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[b]Happy Ashen Day![/b]
We all know Osiris is currently on Mercury, teaching his famous Cult and coordinating the Trials. But why is he there? He was the Vanguard Commander, the Speaker-in-training. How did he go from that to an exiled cult leader? Simple: he asked the wrong questions.
He became more obsessed with learning about our enemies than simply fighting them. The Speaker, who believes all faith should be put in the Traveler, exiled Osiris after he began to draw a following. Now on Mercury, he uses the Vex gate system to his advantage, looking through as recording what he finds there.
Now, the question is are Osiris' Visions related to Atheon's final thoughts?
What is this vision that Atheon speaks of? Perhaps it is the Vex's plan: to control all timelines. As Praedyth says, "Everything must fit. If it can be made to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away." Some Vex have specific visions, like Qodron, have specific visions of their own success, but Vex for the most part have their true vision, and to do this, they have to destroy the Light, because it is painfully hard to simulate.
So far we have access to two of Osiris' visions, each with its own background:
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/179332881/0/0]Vision 81[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/179338387/0/0]Vision 47[/url]
[quote]We all know Osiris is currently on Mercury[/quote] He is everywhere. Osiris sees through his disciples and has formally appeared in the Reef. He has no body, but his Light is everywhere. [quote]Teaching his famous Cult and coordinating the Trials.[/quote] Vance coordinates Trials. Trials of Osiris are in his name because it is the Trials that all guardians must go through, and the one Osiris went through first. The Trials being to throw yourself into the heat so that it can shape you. [quote]but why is he there?[/quote] To keep humanity alive [quote]He was... the Speaker-in-training.[/quote] No. [quote]How did he go from that to an exiled cult leader? Simple: he asked the wrong questions.[/quote] Its not the questions that got him kicked out, its the answers. He came back with revelation after revelation to the everything, and that inspired people to ask the "wrong" questions like he did. It was his answers that got him kicked out. [quote]Now on Mercury, he uses the Vex gate system to his advantage, looking through as recording what he finds there.[/quote] He is not looking through it so much as...swimming...in the river of time. [quote]Perhaps it is the Vex's plan: to control all timelines.[/quote] The Vex's plan is to become eternal. They may be in time itself, but they are stoppable. The Vex do what they do so that they won't die. Its why they worshipped the Black Heart, and its why they made Atheon's throne world. [quote]They have to destroy the Light, because it is painfully hard to simulate.[/quote] The Light is not what they [i]can't[/i] simulate, its Guardians- the once dead. The Warminds are the "painfully hard to simulate," because they are smarter than Vex simulations. Also, you didn't even talk about what the Visions, bro