[Bungie Replied (sort of)]
So I would like to make a request to Bungie to please be specific and explicit to the community about what to expect will be available to players on Last-Gen after the Rise of Iron DLC is released. This includes aspects of the game that are shared on all systems currently, regardless of DLC. This has been different in past DLCs, with some content being made available to vanilla, whereas things changed drastically with TTK.
Please mention what happens to: (items in bold have been answered):
[b]Daily Heroics[/b] - Answer: staying
[b]Weekly Heroics[/b] - Answer: staying
[b]Crucible playlists[/b] - Answer: staying, other than IB and ToO
Vendor gear
[i]Upgrade Materials (ie is there some new and unique material from Plaguelands needed for upgrading weapons?)[/i] - Partial Answer, on [url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2016/06/17/fireteam-chat-ep-74-e3-2016-rise-of-iron-special-igns-destiny-show]IGN Fireteam Chat Podcast ep. 73[/url], Scott Taylor from Bungie stated there is no new material in the Plaguelands playable area, only spinmetal.
Currencies (ie new currency replaces vanguard/legendary marks, that is only available in Rise of Iron content?)
[i]Random patrol events (Taken corrupting, Pack of Wolves,....) [/i]- Partial Answer, all indications are it will remain as in TTK
[i]Light level cap[/i] - Partial Answer, all indications are it will remain as in TTK (335)
[b]XP Level cap[/b] - Answered?, again in Fireteam chat ep 74, Bungie mentioned no XP level increase for ROI (max 40)
[b]Nightfall[/b] - Answer: Staying, possibly different than current gen playlist
[b]Iron Banner[/b] - Answer: NO IRON BANNER on Last gen
[b]Trials of Osiris[/b] - Answer: NO TRIALS on Last gen
Infusion of "yr 2" gear
Faction ranks/reward packages
[b]Challenge of Elders[/b] - Answer: Staying, all levels 28,32,34,35,41,COE
[b]Raids[/b] - Answer: Staying
[b]What does Xur sell?[/b] - Answer: Exotic engrams only, both yr2 and yr1 engrams
[b]Will the game community be "forked" for the Last Gen players to continue on with TTK as is? Or will we get the same patches, updates, balances, special events, weekly events?[/b]
Answer: Special events e.g. SRL, future updates will not be on Last Gen
What is the EOL for the game servers provided by Destiny for hosting character data, networking and matchmaking functions for Last Gen?
Please sign if you want to know.
Edit 1: thanks for good discussion. I know that last gen is being left behind, but there are vast gray areas about what that means is still in the game for us. Just want Bungie to address this at some point soon.
Edit 2: 25/6/2016 - Bungie has posted an update about their Legacy Console Guided Support as they call it, for last gen after the "fork". They have specified a number of specific content that will not be available to last gen. I have no idea, if anyone @Bungie has read this post, but it is good to know they are listening. I want to thank them for posting that information
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44885/7_Destiny-on-Legacy-Consoles]Destiny on Legacy Consoles[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=44802]Legacy Consoles and Destiny Events and Activities Availability[/url]
Nothing,you get nothinnng