"I always been able to i just never use unless i absolutely have to like when i had to use that one spell on you that one time i didn't want to but i didn't want you to hurt anyone"she says "And to be perfectly fair when i used that spell i was holding back alot more than you realize"she says
Bramd - old
I'm not criticizing you, I know that you were holding back, I'm just suggesting a small spell that alters the way you feel. -
"But do you think something like that would work on me?" She says
Bramd - old
Hey, if it worked for Wit. -
"Well i am different than him though half and half there not one drop human blood in me"shes say "The effectiveness may differ" she says
Bramd - old
Perhaps... *Mortar looks around, his face changes to worry* I sense something outside. -
"What no can get to me here"she says "Who is it though?"she asks
Bramd - old
I'm not sure, I'll check though. *Mortar dissolves into the ground. After a moment, he reforms. His face is pale* There is someone outside, but he's not here for you I think. -
"Whplo is he here for?" She asks
Bramd - old
Here's an unexpected plot twist, he's probably here for me, and I can guess it's because of my father. -
"Why is that and better not be causing any trouble cause if does he wish he hadn't" she says *she gets up out the water * "Why did show up here out all places?"she asks
Bramd - old
I don't know why he's here, of all places, other than he'd probably have the ability to track an energy I exert. -
"Well thats a little weird for him to have that ability." She says "Lets just hope he doesn't try anything cause im in no mood for bs from this guy"she says sternly "Lets just go what this guy wants" she say as she walks towards the tunnel" *she enters the small and walks through it until gets to her sister room as she steps out from behind the curtain*
Bramd - old
*outside is a man in black Valhite armor, his mask resembling a grey skull. He has a wicked looking sword sheathed on his back and a sickly green knife on his thigh* -
*leyla approaches the strange person with caution. * "Can i help you?" She says *serenity keeps a very watchful eye on leyla as she approaches him*
Bramd - old
[u]Actually, yes. I am looking for a being who calls itself "Mortar."[/u] -
"I know a mortar what your business with him?" she asks *she crosses her arms*
Bramd - old
[u]it's family has committed crimes against his own worlds and many more, and shall be punished. One of our members is tracking a Cyan too.[/u] -
"Im well not telling you where they are and if your here to pick a cause trouble you picking the wrong person mess with right now. Cause your gonna make me very very angry and that is not very wise" she says crossly "So im only gonna says this once when i say go back from where you came from you well get nothing from me " says leyla crossly *leyla can feel her anger growing fast to the point where its at the boiling point* *oh Christ hes making her angry thinks serenity as she watches her*
Bramd - old
*Mortar watches from the curtain* No, Leyla, no. [u]It seems like you know where he is, but it's obvious that you won't tell me... Very well, I will find it myself.[/u] -
"Yeah well you sure as hell aint coming in here this is my home and if you perisit you gonna see a really ugly side of me that wish you hadn't" she says *serenity watches leyla become increasingly hostile. -blam!- i really dont wanna have to tranq her she thinks. Serenity's hand goes to a pouch that has the tranqs in it* "So back off" she snaps
Bramd - old
Psst! Serenity! I got this! *Mortar pulls out a black and crimson .44 Magnum and shoots the man. He becomes very tired to the point that he almost falls asleep* *Mortar walks out to face Leyla.* Are you okay there? -
*leyla doesn't notice him walk up right away cause is focus on the man* *serenity watches mortar approach leyla this makes her very nervous cause she knows what she is capable of*
Bramd - old
*the person shot seems to implode as Mortar holsters his gun* Alright, I don't wanna use this again, so calm down, he's gone. -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/14/2016 6:32:20 PM"Im trying to" says leyla *she does her best in trying to calm down and it not working very well* "Uh mortar she not calming down.."says serenity nervously *serenity watches her sees that shes not calming down not matter how hard leyla tries.*