originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
~Smough simply looks at Leyla, as if waiting for her to give a signal of some sort~
"You have something that doesn't belong to you now give back or else "says leyla "Okay okay your book is in my bag" she says *she sits there as leyla reaches into the woman's bag pulls out her spellbook.* "You really shouldn't stuf f that doesn't belong to you." Leyla says crossly "Now the main question is what should do with you" says leyla "You guys have any questions for her? Leyla asks.
[i]N...no.[/i] [b]Nope.[/b]
"What should we do with you" she says *the woman doesn't says anything she nust remains silent* "Any ideas you two?"leyla asks
~Smough simply stares at you~
"Just kill me if i go back to my coven they just kill me for failing my mission and talking about it" says the woman "Well you heard her if thats something you want then" says leyla "I do " she says
[b]Fine.[/b] ~Smough picks up the figure. He drags it outside. You can see him slam her down onto the ground as he raises his hammer. The hammer swings downward, and the sickening sound of the upper body is literally crushed. Smough walks back inside, covered in brain matter, blood, and bits of skull fragments~ [i]Good Gwyn, Smough...[/i] [b]Yeah?[/b]
"Damn now what we do about the other two that are supposed be coming here?" She asks
[i]I got an idea. Take this. Say "Ornstein's room".[/i] ~The knight hands you a bone~
"Oh okay seems simple enough"she says *she takes the strange bone from the knight* "Ornstein's room" she says *so now what gonna happen? She thinks to herself*
~You suddenly teleport to his room. It's no longer a complete mess~
"What the " she says *she doesn't know how in world she got here but she guesses it has something to do with a spell* "Ugh i dont wanna do that again" she says
~Ornstein and Smough suddenly walk in. Smough is carrying...a mini gun~ [b]No such thing as overkill.[/b]
"True but what with the mini gun?" Asks leyla "Why did you have me teleport you know i can fly in my other form right? She say
[i]Quicker this way. Lock the door, Smough! Those bastards won't know what'll hit em![/i]
"Okay" *off in the distant outside the house you can hear howling its sounds inhuman and it sounds like it getting closer* "What the hell is that?? It can't be wolves and thats not aiyanna her howls dont sound like that" says leyla
[i]Get ready!![/i] ~Ornstein starts laying traps in the hallway. Smough is loading his minigun, but hands you a sword~ [b]There you go.[/b]
*leyla takes the sword from smough she can hear them getting closer by the sounds of howls one higher than other almost like talking to each other* *leyla reinforces the windows with a ward of protection. She does it in a nick of time cause she sees one really large wolflike ceature leaving the woods it quickly joined by slight smaller one they snarl and snap each before they divide up she sees them from the Window* "Shit there werewolves i see them right there" she says *you can hear them circling the house.* "Come...here...little...one" one them says in rough growling voice *leyla says nothing just grips the sword* "Give...us...the...girl..."the rough growling voice says
[i]Damn. I got a plan though. Smough, go outside.[/i] [b]Wait, what?[/b] [i]Go outside. Tell them that Leyla went to the catacombs.[/i] [b]Sure?[/b] [i]Yes! And hand them a Homeward Bone.[/i] [b]Sure...[/b]
*leyla watch smough leave and go out the door* "What if it doesn't work Ornstein?" She whispers
[i]We'll see...[/i] [b]She's not here. But we know where she is. Take these.[/b] ~Smough drops a bunch of bones~ [b]When you pick them up, say "Catacombs of Carthus".[/b]
*smaller one of the werewolves sniffs the air but doesn't pick up the bones* "He's...lying..Carmack i can smell her inside" says the smaller one growling slightly "I can smell her too"he says growling
[b]What you smell is what's left of her leg. I assure you, she's at the Catacombs.[/b] [i]Damnit. Time for Plan B.[/i]
"Lies....we...know she here..."says Carmack "So give us the girl" says the smaller one "They know im here Ornstein what we gonna do now" she whispers "Were gonna need silver to take them down its burns there skin i think i got something that do the trick in my pouch my sister thought i was crazy making it but its gonna hurt them more than it will us" she whispers * she digs through her pouch on her belt and pulls out three clear containers that have liquid silver in them* "You can throw them or coat your blade in them as it touches them it will hurt them badly" she whispers *she hands him two of them leyla keeps the third one* "It more effective if you get them in the face if you do throw it" she whispers
[i]Ok. Thanks.[/i] ~He takes one of the vials and drops the tip of his spear with it~ [b]Hey lackey. Let your boss do the talking, not some halfwit dog. Now, she's in the catacombs. If you want to check the house, fine by me. But if you want to find her...[/b]
*the smaller one makes a sound that sounds like laughter* "Im the alpha hes the lackey he may be bigger but im in charge dont let my size fool you" the smaller one growls *leyla coats the blade in the liquid silver as listens to smough outside* "I know you lying cause i would be able to smell blood even if it was wiped away my nose doesn't lie" The smaller one says