The Xbox One Slim got leaked one day before Microsoft's E3 press conference on neogaf. Here is the Neogaf post in which the leak originated: Before I talk about the specs I will state that this was originally reported on here:
So, specs:
On the ad, it says [b]4k Ultra HD video output[/b]. That can be a huge plus for this new console but how many games will use it is still up to question.
Also on the ad it says a [b]streamlined controller[/b]. I am assuming they just made needed upgrades to the controller like when they redesigned it with an audio jack and better bumpers.
One of the last things the ad says is [b]vertical stand[/b]. This was something that the Xbone couldn't do due to its size or venting capabilities.
On the picture we can see a front facing USB port, front facing IR blaster, and front facing sync button. There is also a button up by the disk slot which may be the disk button. Hopefully this means that the new Xboxes will move away from these horrid touch buttons.
The controller seems to just look nicer but we aren't sure of the specific changes yet, however don't expect anything too big as large controller changes are supposedly coming with the Xbox One Scorpio's new controller.
The console itself looks smaller in comparison to the controller but I doubt we will see an internal powerbrick*(see: Update1) so the Xbox One can retain that title of being silent unlike the PS4.
So, [b]what are your thoughts on this new console?[/b] I personally think it looks awesome and I will definitely upgrade my Xbox to this or a Scorpio.
[spoiler][b]Update1:[/b] There is a new photo on Neogaf and the powerbrick is supposedly internal. I don't know what this will do to the loudness of the Xbox but I hope it remains silent.[/spoiler]
Thank you for your time.
Did Microsoft have their conference yet?