Yea it's true I'm an elitist but if you have a negative pve kd I'm not raiding with you. Ain't nobody got time for that
How does one even get a negative KD??
Genghis Khan and hitler had great real life kds.
I've never seen anyone with a negative pve kd. Is that even possible? You would have to kill 1 ad and then die or 0 ads and die so many times
If your playing Destiny with your feet, I'm not raiding with you. Got no time for that
If you have a negative pve KD, yeah I'm not gonna raid with you either. Could you imagine?
I don't think anyone would
Typical Xbox user.
Negative pve kd??? My 3 year old daughter has a positive pve kd!
Who has a negative PVE K/D?
You have a link to one of the most batshit crazy places on the internet the politics section of the Corvette forum is complete filth.
The funny thing is it is literally impossible to get a negative K/D. There is no such thing as a -1.0 K/D Ratio.
Haven't seen negative. I have seen a 10 kd on a guy who was talking trash saying only people who haven't gone flawless are asking for nerfs because they suck. Turned out, he has a negative pvp kd with a .7 trials. He was carried to his one time flawless.
I didn't know it was possible to have a negative PVE KD
That would require a negative number of kills or deaths. You would have to revive enemies. K ÷ D will always be positive because both K and D must be greater than or equal to zero. Also a true ratio can not have a number equal to zero. In this game 10 kills and 0 deaths has the same ratio as 10 kills and 1 deaths.
Really? I'm bad at pvp but I just did flawless on kings fall without any clutch moments
Edited by Myth: 6/16/2016 12:13:30 AMHow bout if you have a negative pve kd there is no way in hell you coming into the crucible with me. (seems pretty fair)
Edited by Myth: 6/16/2016 12:06:22 AMHaha, Not sure if negative kd even possible.
Get over yourself girlfriend, you ain't all that.
If you can't solo the relic on templar while your team snipes from up top, I'm booting you from my raid.
Strong, the bait is.
Lmao if you're going negative in PVE, this game isn't for you.
I agree
Not playing PVP with hunters anymore. Instant boot.
I has negetive pva kdr.
I have at least a 0.77 kd. Am I good?
[quote]PvE [/quote] I lol'd