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Edited by Bubbles (Adept): 6/17/2016 4:14:41 PM

I'm a Year 1 Destiny Player and will boycott this.


I still love Destiny the way it is.


I'm a Year 2 Destiny Player and will boycott this.



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  • This is such a goddamn joke

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  • This game is not real life bro, dont stress so much

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  • Edited by Lust__Exe: 6/15/2016 8:45:00 AM
    I have the year 1 special edition PS4, and I'll keep with my flow. Updates are whatever, I'll keep playing. It is just a game afterall. Pre-ordering Raise of Iron sometime soon. I obviously have lots of time to do that seeing as it won't come out for a while.

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  • making up percentages and talking garbage? how about you take your shit post and dry your tears with it?

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  • You sound like bdobbins who just ranted a bunch of numbers to sound like it validates your point and that people will listen to it. The thing is they can't cater to last gen anymore the hardware can't handle RoI that's it the 360 and PS3 can hardly handle destiny now and you would have to get a next gen console for 2 anyway. Next bit of stuff I want to know your view on the first two expansions most people still think they were 100% done and on the disc and thats not true only the maps and some models were there nothing else was done not the AI pathing the raid the strike the dialog and the items they were not all done when destiny first released so they left the unused models in so players didn't have to download a larger file for the maps and models once they got modified for the expansions every game that has planned dlc does this.

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  • I'm a year 1player on Xbox 360, and I'm not too happy about ROI being new gen exclusive, but there are several holes in this argument. First of all, it has been estimated that about 10% of destiny players are last gen players now. Second of all, that's not how those percentages work. For all we know, that "20%" could be part of that obviously guessed "77%", so the end result could still be "77%". Third of all, there's no real evidence given in that argument. Shall I continue?

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    9 Replies
    • Day 1 PS4. Buddy got me an Xbox One three weeks ago. I will be buying Rise of Iron for both;) A Guardian adapts and improvises to survive.

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      2 Replies
      • Boycott will never happen. There are a lot of fans that don't even waste their time on these forums. How do you get the message to them? You don't! So you loose! Just wasting your time with this post

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        • 77%? Where the hell did you pull that crap from?

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          4 Replies
          • Yeah I'm still gonna buy it. Looks pretty cool. If you don't like it don't buy it. But you won't convince me. You just seem angry. Bad day at work?

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            • Chill out dork. What u think youre gunna get millions and millions of people to agree with this. U wasted your time clown.

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              6 Replies
              • Edited by Bubbles (Adept): 6/15/2016 6:48:59 AM
                Woah shit, didn't think there would be so many people who ACTUALLY give a damn about this post. Congrats! 108 VS. 98 It's a start.

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              • I'll get RoI. I'm actually interested PvE wise, but PvP is a different story. And I'm not wasting money on Waste of Ironhorn. I'll do the quest to get the original.

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              • Not getting RoI, i was half and half yesterday. Then i seen the patch notes, won't be getting it. Oooow £25 for new things to try my nerfed stuff on. Bungie, thank you but f[b]u[/b]ck you.

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              • Not happy about the nerfs, but I still preordered rise of iron. Looking forward to having a shiny black and silver Ghorn.

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              • I've already decided I won't be purchasing the Rise of Iron and I'm a day one player. So sad to see this game go down this route!

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              • 2
                why do any of us need the nerfed iron jellyhorn? they already nerfed it, not like its gonna be back to its godlike version... just a junk rocket now, much like all the guns are junk and boring.

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              • Last gen consoles are sheet. Companies having to make games that will also work on last gen make the current gem games look bad. Holding them back if you will. I'm glad they are leaving last gen, as should other titles. It's been over a decade. Twenty cents a day could have bought you the current gen console so no griping. MOVE ON

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              • This last update is completely stupid

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                • Edited by Lich: 6/14/2016 9:13:03 PM
                  Your supposed to be dead

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                • I'm a year 1 player and in some ways don't like where the PvE is going but love where the PvP is going. They are actually trying to equalize everything in PvP.

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                • Edited by ZHX1138: 6/14/2016 11:02:15 PM
                  I look at it this way. Destiny TTK on PS3 yet no Iron DLC = nothing for me to buy = I save money = play the current game until I just move on from Bungie and Destiny forever when I transition to PS4. I save so much money and still get to play a game on PS3. While on ps4 if you don't buy DLC Rise of Iron you won't be able to play the game at all like when the Taken King came out. And like the Taken King if you don't buy Rise of iron on ps4 you only could play story missions from year two only and all other strikes and weekly mission get turned off. While if I stay with PS3 the game just stay in its unfinished state like it is now. ( Unless by some chance they make the Legacy Consoles totally sectioned off as well. Which then I'll just abondon the game. Because Bungie Term of Use allows them to do whatever they want to players and that's they way it's going to be so be it I'm gone.) 😜

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                • Ye well come battlefield 1 release date ill be putting destiny down hell i even play BF4 over destiny now. Im more then happy to adapt to a legit balance effort but the nerfing mentality of Bungie has driven me over the edge.

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                  • Battlefield 1

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                    • I know the struggle but streamers have the majority voice in destiny why? Idk maybe because it's an Activision thing who knows? As long you have guys like Datto ect pretending that they have made this game there will be issues, I'm not accusing them for anything but there obsession with bungie is beyond my imagination even tho Cozmo won't admit it. Im not sure what other games are you into but I'll tell you to suck until a game like bf 1 comes out

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