Those yellow ornaments may yield some new gear (that we should've had a long time ago according to armory history but I digress) and old gear at the new LL but what about those weekly three boxes of pretty pirate booty?
We can entirely expect that there will be a change in possible rewards from those bedazzled packages as new gear is revealed during "Iron Fall" and since RNGesus has blessed me with the full Desolate gear, both ships and the sparrow (don't really care about spektar atm as I'm trying to build me a tier 12 Titan first, my hunter will probably be hit with chroma eventually since I've been saving like every single piece I got) I honestly no longer have a need to open them (Only booster I use is for crucible as that is the mode I play to faction rep horde, and I get those from the crucible packages).
Now now let's really be honest...I can't be the first person with this idea and Bungie has probably realized that some have started already due to frequency of opened treasures (I'm sure they track stuff like that since they are also technically a purchasable item). So we get two options, just keep opening them like we have been since their incarnation or risk something similar to the faction package fiasco of YR 1 (I didn't have 20 FWC packages waiting in my post master but there is a reason why you no longer can and the reward is instant and you miss out on the previous package if you rank up again)
What do you guys think? Write below or just vote in the poll above.
I've got 15 exotic engrams saved up and will keep on hoarding them until sept 20. also keeping legendary engrams