Hmmm... Interesting:)
80% increase in pve.
Courtesy of DogeInsomiac:
With the perk Deadeye it increases each shot by 30% so in total 110% increase!!
I'm official losing my mind in excitement
Yes we thought it was 660% but it's not unfortunately. Courtesy of TheDoomba:
[quote]If each shot is a 110% buff, the total buff for nighthawk would still be 110%.
For example, if 1 shot did 100 damage it would have been 600 with nighthawk. Now, if it's 210, nighthawk would be 1260.[/quote]
So that's an 80% damage buff in PvE. With Deadeye activated, thats 110% damage increase per bullet. Celestial Nighthawk works by condensing all 3 bullets into 1 singular bullet and doubling its damage output; so basically 6x a single shot. That brings us to 660% increase to damage (the base damage being the current damage dealt by 1 bullet before the June update). With solar burn active, you double all solar attacks, bringing the damage up to 1320%. If airborne (not quite sure with the spelling) is active, double your damage again. This will deal a total of 2640% increased damage (from pre-June buff). 2640%! If 100% means I've doubled (added the base damage to itself) that means that we have damage equal to approximately 26 golden gun shots (pre-June buff). Imagine you have 26 shots in your golden gun. How much health would that take from an ultra? And that's excluding enemy weaknesses (Shadowshot tether). Does tether increase damage by 50% (multiplicative value)? If so, take the damage we do and add half of the damage dealt as that additional 50% damage. Tl:dr. In total, we could be seeing (if I've calculated this correctly) a 3960% damage buff when [b]airborn[/b] and [b]solar burn[/b] are active and the player also has equipped the [b]Celestial Nighthawk[/b] while the enemy is simultaneously tethered to a Shadowshot void anchor. It's almost as if we've loaded 40 bullets into our golden gun and just dumped them all at once. Please someone tell me I'm right. The damage granted in that activity will be insane!