Dear fellow guardians,
(at first, please excuse my poor english, this is a long entry and i really hope you get along, understanding what im trying to say) i'm a veteran player (Nov. 2014), who returned to the game after an absence of nearly a whole year. A lot of things have changed, since house of wolves was released, many things improved. I'm still waiting for the lore to become more important, but this is not about lore, its about choices we as guardians can do (btw, would you like some RPG-fanbased-Storyboard? Is something like that already in existence?).
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For me, the most precious thing about Destiny is, the honest attempt to combine [b]RPG[/b] and classic Ego-Shooter [b]gameplay[/b]. Many things have been said about Destiny not beeing a real RPG, but let's take the game as it is right now. After a year, i have no reason to believe it will develop into a totally different game.
Destinys Ego-Shooter core is awesome, there is no denying that, big big gratz again bungie.
So my question is:
[b]How could we improve the RPG experience using this gameplay to its maximum? Much has been said about that too. Could we try to discuss all the ideas in all honesty?[/b] Lets leave bungie aside for just this discussion, we will never move their point of view, if the community is not able to voice a clear, common perspective (beside the everyday normal complaints)
The question leads me to, [b]what we like about destiny[/b]. And im serious when i say, looting, farming, grinding, overcoming obstacles, discovering new possibilities. That goes without saying much more. Problems arise often when we (i mean the RPG-loving part of the community), have to leave our dear weapons and armor behind, because the game is always in evolution and new things have to come up. I don't think you can really change that. But, and this is my proposal. [b]Could we not combine evolution in weaponry and keeping a pesonal and therefore role-playing aspect? [/b]
Let's take a closer look to the weapons. Besides the foci, our choices in weaponry is the most personal choice we can actually do in Destiny. Some like hand cannons, some do better with automatic riffles and so on. Each category of weaponry has its own subcategories, we might say. Hand cannons like "last word" are something totally diffrent compared to the ones, that resemble "hawkmoon". We often change our style in fighting and shooting, but more or less, all of us tend to have favourite perks, behaviour, balance etc. when in comes to our primary and our second slot. We form some kind of bonds to our favourite weapons, and that collides with evolution, i think you got the point.
[b][u]So just let's take the weapons apart.[/u] [/b] We can't solve the problem within the boundaries destiny has so far. But what if, we would have some kind of crafting system, that realizes evolution and keeping the feeling of a weapon at the same time. Let's say we have a frame, a rack, a chassis that makes the weapon feel like a typical hand cannon, hawkmoon style, maybe combined with other parts, and each chassis has a certain potential to become somewhat diffrent, more impact, reloading faster etc, arc or solar damage etc. etc.
We could still be forced to search for new materials like forms of energy, forms of fuel, dispensers or something like that. We could be looking for certain applications , that make our weapons and armor more suited to fight certain new opponents. But we could hold on to our old chassis or racks, give them a personal look or design. Much like the slots in RPG Weapons, somewhat like the cafting system for sparrows, that is already in existence. You could transfer the logic to ghosts, and ships etc. If only it gives us the opportunity to make personal choices, that lasts.
Can you follow my poor english? What do you think?
i came up with a counter-argument myself. You might say there could be no legends anymore, like Gjalla or Vex Mythoclast, because no one would consider them. Well, first: i don't think that will happen, if ever the proposal is most likely to be applied to legendaries only. Second: the overall look, mechanics or function of a legend is very likely to stand out, outside of a crafting system or within (realized per engrams, plans, or centerpiece of a customcraft). I'm really not looking at exotics, more at our daily bread and butter choice of weapon. Actually i would be happy about more crafting anywhere within the area of equipment.