originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Carmack yelps and grabs the and ripping it from his chest. He lunges at Ornstein swinging his giant clawed hands at your stomach. He manages catches his side too as he drags his claws down your side.*
*karma circles smough she keeps a watchful eye while keeping a safe distant away from him. She growls and bares her teeeth at with her ears flattened against her head*
~Ornstein's armor is somewhat sliced~ [i]My armor! You BASTARD![/i] ~He starts punching the werewolf in the face, each punch getting more powerful and violent~
*Carmack waits until Ornstein get ready throw the next punch and Carmack sinks his jaws into ornstein's wrist applying great pressure making his wrist snap before jumping back from Ornstein.*
~Behind Carmack, Smough has perfectly timed his retreat, and slams his massive hammer down into the werewolf~
*Carmack get hit in the and you hear yelp as it he sent flying.* *karma waits until smoughs back is turn and she leaps on to his back digging her claws deep into his back as she latches down on his left shoulder with her jaws*
[b]Oh, that actually sorta tickles.[/b] ~Smough calmly stands there, and Ornstein grabs onto Karma and drags her off~
*karma turns and snaps at Ornsteins as he pulls her off smough back then swats at Ornstein hitting him in his right shoulder tearing into with her claws. She wiggles free from his grasp.* *Carmack gets back up after being thrown several feet as watches karma slip out of Ornstein grasp* *leyla sees the massive werewolf but he doesnt see her cause she still in the house*
[b]Oooh, two on two? Ornstein, remember the good ol days?[/b] [i]Yeah! Memories![/i] ~The two brothers start to glow. Ornstein suddenly grows to Smough's height, and Smough's body and hammer starts to spark with lightning~ [b]Science, everyone! Because me and Orn are Undead and we're brothers, we sorta share each other's souls.[/b] [i]So, in times of need, we can use eachother's power![/i] [b]Magnificent, am I right!?[/b]
*leyla watches from the window as surprised to see them do that* *Carmack joins karma they both bare there teeth growling loudly. They start to circle you watching your every move*
~Smough charges at a faster speed than before, grabbing onto Carmack and slamming him into a wall. Ornstein jumps up and slams down upon Karma~ [i]Hey there, lil guy![/i]
*Carmack growls as he digs his claws into smough's arms as he pushes him off. then he jumps to the left making distance between him and smough* *karma yelps as Ornstein slams down her back. She gets up and She growls at your comment* "Im not a boy" karma growls *she turns around lunges at you snapping at you with her jaws while digging claws into your sided where Carmack ripped a hole in the armor earlier*
[i]BULLSHIT![/i] ~He drives his massive spear into Karma~ Meanwhile, Smough is actually irritated~ [b]Come on, buddy.[/b]
*karma yelps in pain as the spear pierces her left shoulder. Karma struggles to pull the spear free making her snarl in anger.* "Its not bullshit im a girl" karma says angrily as she still tries pull free *Carmack runs up and kicks smough in the side really hard in the side*
~He holds it down~ [i]That's a lie! Admit it![/i] ~Smough, on the other hand, swings his hammer right as Carmack jumps to go in for the kick~
"Its not a lie im a girl " says karma. *karma struggles more trying free herself but she still can't get free cause Ornstein is holding her down* *Carmack gets knocked back when smough hits him in the side with his hammer . Carmack gets back up*
[i]Quit struggling.[/i] ~He pretty much anchors himself to the ground with his spear~ [b]Oh, just DIE already![/b] ~Smough laughs and charges at extreme speed~
*Carmack jumps out of the smough as charges.* "Nope im not going down that easy" says Carmack *Carmack turns and kicks smough legs out from under him* "Never!!" Karma says as she still struggling *karma is still pinned to the ground by your spear. She still struggles as you continue to hold her down. She tries to bite you *
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 6/16/2016 2:55:39 AM~Ornstein respond with kicking her in the face with a slightly over-sized foot. [b]And yet you run like a coward. Typical.[/b] ~Smough ignores the kick and grabs Carmack by the throat~ [b]We'll see how well you deal with becoming a living baseball.[/b]
*she yelps when you kick her in the face* "Get off me" she growls as she still struggles *Carmack rushes to your side and punches you in the gut.* "Im no coward" says Carmack
[i]Nah. I rather interrogate you, maybe eviscerate you as well.[/i] [b]Ha.[/b] ~Smough stands still, waiting for the next attack~
What" says karma *she growls as she struggles not liking what he says. "Dont touch me"she growls *Carmack jumps around to your back and kickes you*
~The knight laughs~ ~Smough, on the other hand, catches Carmack mid-air by the throat~ [b]Not today.[/b]
"Why are you laughing? "karma asks *Carmack claws at your arms digging trying to get you to let go of his neck*
[i]Just watching Smough over here...[/i] ~Smough starts slamming Carmack into the ground, head-first~
*Carmack yelps every time his head slammed into the ground. After a while Carmack's yelps turn whimpers as he starts to go limp* *karma can hear his yelps and she starts to struggle more*
~Smough stops~ [b]Shit. I think I killed him.[/b] [i]Wait, WHAT?![/i]