originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
~Behind Carmack, Smough has perfectly timed his retreat, and slams his massive hammer down into the werewolf~
[i]I think. Though...we're gonna have to be careful. Their leader's coming...damnit.[/i]
"Um thats not good at all" she says
[i]Nope. Not at all...[/i] [b]So...should we go?[/b] [i]Maybe you should stay inside for a little while, Leyla. And...here.[/i] ~He hands you an air horn for some reason~ [i]Use this, in case the leader shows up.[/i]
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/19/2016 1:17:57 AM"Okay but why are but do i need it i thought you guys were staying here? Or am i being used as bait? Cause what seems like" says leyla *she waits for response*
[b]Hey. We just saved you from being torn apart. We can do whatever we damn well pl-[/b] [i]No, Smough...look, if you want to stay safe, we're gonna have to keep doing this...[/i]
"Im not trying to sound ungrateful you guys" she says
[b]Thats a little hard to believe...[/b] [i]Smough...[/i] ~Ornstein shakes his head~ [i]Just a question, but...what do you think these guys want with you anyway?[/i]
*she sighs* "Honest no clue maybe has something to do with the fact a good majority of that some of my powers are unstable when get really angry or upset. Maybe they heard about that incident with that town..."she says
~Ornstein crosses his arms in interest~ [i]So...please don't tell me you blew up a town...[/i]
"Not blow up more like level it was an accident" she says guilty
[i]Tell me. Please...[/i]
"I still to this day dont know what happened i just snapped and leveled the whole town and ended up being brand a monster by those who live there so i have never went back there" she says grimly "Im not proud of what i did by any means at all"she says
[i]Sorry to hear that...I don't blame you. At all.[/i]
"That might be the reason why they are after and i do." She says "Thats also the main reason my sister carries tranqs on her. That shit sucks when you get tranq with a dose that can take down bull elephant."she says
[i]Huh. Anyway, just...keep watch. Just in case.[/i]
"Okay i will" she says
[i]Nice to know. Stay safe.[/i] ~The knight walks into his apartment, and closes the door~ [spoiler]Fin...or is it?![/spoiler]
*a couple more days pass and leyla look out and see a strange figure on the edge of the woods* "Who is that"she says as feeling of dread creep over her [spoiler]no fin not yet any way[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You should probs make a new post. Just so EVERYONE knows[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeah i will [/spoiler]
[i]Gonna wait till you turn back.[/i] [b]It's literally 8:30 PM, Orn...[/b]