originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Carmack get hit in the and you hear yelp as it he sent flying.*
*karma waits until smoughs back is turn and she leaps on to his back digging her claws deep into his back as she latches down on his left shoulder with her jaws*
"Um thats not good at all" she says
[i]Nope. Not at all...[/i] [b]So...should we go?[/b] [i]Maybe you should stay inside for a little while, Leyla. And...here.[/i] ~He hands you an air horn for some reason~ [i]Use this, in case the leader shows up.[/i]
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/19/2016 1:17:57 AM"Okay but why are but do i need it i thought you guys were staying here? Or am i being used as bait? Cause what seems like" says leyla *she waits for response*
[b]Hey. We just saved you from being torn apart. We can do whatever we damn well pl-[/b] [i]No, Smough...look, if you want to stay safe, we're gonna have to keep doing this...[/i]
"Im not trying to sound ungrateful you guys" she says
[b]Thats a little hard to believe...[/b] [i]Smough...[/i] ~Ornstein shakes his head~ [i]Just a question, but...what do you think these guys want with you anyway?[/i]
*she sighs* "Honest no clue maybe has something to do with the fact a good majority of that some of my powers are unstable when get really angry or upset. Maybe they heard about that incident with that town..."she says
~Ornstein crosses his arms in interest~ [i]So...please don't tell me you blew up a town...[/i]
"Not blow up more like level it was an accident" she says guilty
[i]Tell me. Please...[/i]
"I still to this day dont know what happened i just snapped and leveled the whole town and ended up being brand a monster by those who live there so i have never went back there" she says grimly "Im not proud of what i did by any means at all"she says
[i]Sorry to hear that...I don't blame you. At all.[/i]
"That might be the reason why they are after and i do." She says "Thats also the main reason my sister carries tranqs on her. That shit sucks when you get tranq with a dose that can take down bull elephant."she says
[i]Huh. Anyway, just...keep watch. Just in case.[/i]
"Okay i will" she says
[i]Nice to know. Stay safe.[/i] ~The knight walks into his apartment, and closes the door~ [spoiler]Fin...or is it?![/spoiler]
*a couple more days pass and leyla look out and see a strange figure on the edge of the woods* "Who is that"she says as feeling of dread creep over her [spoiler]no fin not yet any way[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You should probs make a new post. Just so EVERYONE knows[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeah i will [/spoiler]
[i]Gonna wait till you turn back.[/i] [b]It's literally 8:30 PM, Orn...[/b]