yes hello ,
I was on the lfg channel's today fsg shadewolf
started spamming your clan all over the place ,
and after a few failed attempts at trying to get him to stop ,
he started to notice me and then started to lie about himself saying he was the founder yadda yadda yadda and said some rather stupid things like he did not care that he was spamming
and that he didn't care what i did about it ,
i informed him that , that might not be the best of things to do , and he kept going , now i am not a mean person or anything but this got me a bit mad at the fact that he was a representative of yours and was acting like an ass to me and everyone else . just to inform you of what is going on in your absence .
btw reported his id, your clan, and his spamming to bungie .
have a great day .
So not gonna respond huh ??
figured you would think your selves above us "lowly" people of the community .
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