Well if it is I won't be getting it. Don't feel like going through any crucible. Especially quests. I just don't like pvp anymore
I am in the same boat. I really hope Bungie steers away from PvP eventually and stops catering to them. Its fun and entertaining if you have a group or enjoy playing against others but in reality its slowly ruining this game. "Raids are the pinnacle of Destiny." - Bungie 2014 Seriously though if the year 2 MoT emblem is ugly looking I will be so happy lmao.
Don't blame you. I feel the same way about Destiny's PvP. It's so unbalanced and laggy. I usually only play Iron Banner when it rolls around. Tried Trials for a while, but I can't break the 8-0 barrier, so I kinda have up trying to go flawless.
Yeah, I feel like crucible now isn't nearly as good. Not to mention I'm still pissed that pvp ruins pve with their "balances"