Yeah, but flawless is an achievement in and of itself. It has it's own rewards, emblem, shaders, and grimoire. There's no reason why it should be included in the MoT, except to satisfy elitist PvP players.
The vast majority of the player base (myself included) had never gone flawless, never will, and hardly even play Trials. It would be hugely unfair to exclude them from this based on something that 1% of the player base has completed.
I agree that flawless shouldn't be a Moment of Triumph but your reasoning is a little off base. Raids could be included in that very same explanation. (ie. " but [u]completing a Raid[/u] is an achievement in and of itself. It has it's own rewards, emblem, shaders, and grimoire. There's no reason why it should be included in the MoT, except to satisfy elitist PvE players.)
I'm far from elite and have been many times.
Your experience and view of your own skill is relative.