I'm not getting the 50 calcified fragments. I missed 1 or 2 along the way and I don't know which ones. It's too much work and a pain in the ass to go back and find out.
You know you can just use the Bungie site... and it tells you per character what you have and don't have.
Yeah, I know that now that some helpful B.net members pointed out that change to the website that I had yet to explore. I've tried prior on this site and other fragment tracker sites but they weren't character specific back then.
u can find out which ones u have missed on here then go to destinyghosthunter.net and get the ones u missed out
I've used those sites. Don't they only show you the ones you have across all 3 characters? You can't separate characters to see which specific ones you're missing.
Awesome, thanks guys. Maybe I'll look into it.
go to bungie.net and check progress, it will show you exactly which ones you are missing per character
I went to the desktop version of Bungie.net and it has them there now, click on your character then progression and they should be on the bottom of the page
Not any more, it is character specific.
They do But u can actually see which ones u have and don't have on each character on here I think its in my legend then scroll all the way down
According to the leak above it just says get 50. Doesn't matter if different characters.
If I recall correctly though, for y1 they said to make sure you got all the gold chests w the same char. No reason y2 won't be similar. The shader for getting them all is character locked too, so they'll most likely check for completion the same way.