[i]I'll take that as a compliment. Please help yourselves [/i] [b]She takes a seat [/b]
Oh, thanks. *Mortar sits in a seat facing Violet* Yeah, this is a nice place
[b]Kross stands.[/b] [i]Thank you. This was the one thing that didn't come with the planet landscape or whatever this place is [/i]
Ah, that would make sense
[i]Roy actually built this place [/i]
Well, I would have assumed that, since I thought only he could get in
[i]He can. Or at least he's supposed to be.[/i] [b]She glares at Kross [/b]
*Mortar chuckles* I still have no idea why he wanted to come, I was just brought into this.
"I have reasons."
And they are...
[i]Yeah what are they? [/i] "I was curious."
Well I can't say anything against that, I'm very curious, but I never considered visiting here, so... why?
"Did you even know about it?"
He DID tell me a couple times
"Oh. Then uh- well why didn't you ever Come?"
I dunno, didn't want to intrude on a private place, like... right now... damn, funny how things work
"How so?"
It's hard to explain how my brain works
[i]Oh it's quite alright [/i]
Yes. I'm gonna look around, is that okay?
[i]Feel free [/i]
Thanks. *Mortar looks around the house occasionally peeking in some rooms*
[b]There is a small bridge leading to another trees that catches your eye [/b]