Title says it all. For me personally, I would have to say either S.O.M.A or Amnesia: White Night. Both got to me on a physiological level and when I finished both I had to sit there and question everything.
Edit: Seeing alot of PT, it's a shame it got cancelled because there was so much potential. And the spiritual successor to it Allison road, which also got shut down
Destiny... The money I lost... Oh the humanity
Outlast had it's moments, but Alien Isolation just screws with you.
Playing Outlast, with the lights off, headsets at max volume, and my fear of scary things, was the scariest, -blam!-ing, thing, ever. OF ALL TIME. [spoiler]I still remember Chris Walker...[/spoiler]
Not sure about scary but Bioshock had some quite disturbing scenes like the dead family around the table or the room with the hanging bodies, you and to crawl to get in it so did not not see them at first till you stood up and then were right amongst them.
Not sure why but indoor environment in Fallout always send a sort of chill down my spine.
Unreal 2. I was like, 6. Thanks, dad.
If they made PT into a full game, I don't know if people would get used to it or quit playing because they can't take it anymore.
Edited by Pepe Silvia: 6/20/2016 10:24:27 PMP.T. Some parts of Metro 2033 Tunnels in Fallout 3
Dead space three, alien isolation (at some Points), black ops three (so confusing and bad that it's scary)
When an enemy teemo is in my lane
Typical answer but PT. It was the first video game to actually make me scared while playing so bravo. I usually am not the one tonget scared with media, but I think VR will make me shit my pants lmao
wow, I'm so numb to horror now, because I've played so much of it. I'd have to say the last game that terrified me was Amnesia: The Dark Decent.
Alien Isolation tickled the old reptile brain a little.
*enters Upper Yharnam* *creepy music* Eh heh.. Yeah.. I'll come back later. *leaves* *comes back later* *walking down dark, spooky hallway with an item at the end, and sticky sounds* Alright.. Something's going to jump out at me.. *slowly creeps down hallway, until I get to item* Hm.. I guess no- *werewolf jumps through window* [b][u]You Died[/u][/b] *puts controller down* *takes deep breath* *walks upstairs to find my sister playing My Sims Kingdom* *sits on couch* I'm just going to sit here and cry for a bit. ;-;
Edited by SirBigWater: 6/20/2016 2:37:39 PMDOOM 3 was pretty freaky, especially since the original was almost pitch black and the flashlight was not shoulder mounted. The original Resident evil was also pretty freaky back then.
So far evil within.
Hecking outlast dude, I only played it at a friends house for one night.
Minecraft, those creepers are scary.
When that Elite came around the corner in the first level in Halo CE, i think I pissed myself
Dead space one just because it made me literally shit myself...[spoiler]I'm not afraid to admit that...[/spoiler]
Facing Andross on Starfox64 and Bowser in Super Mario 64 made me feel fear for the first time in video games. Facing the flood in Halo was horrifying. Some moments in the Bioshock franchise made me feel afraid. Metro 2033 was probably the best when it came to some horror elements, it had such a great atmosphere. I plan on playing Dead Space 1-3 this summer. The first series of actual horror games for me. I'm really excited!
Original Silent Hill games. Not the monsters, but the ambience.
Edited by Rylor Threev: 6/19/2016 2:50:23 AMThief Not the entire game, just a level, I wasn't ready for the asylum, it's a stealth game and all that nonsense, you can play all kinds of terror games and know you're going to be scared sometimes, but that particular level on Thief... That was scary because I had no idea of what to expect