Title says it all. For me personally, I would have to say either S.O.M.A or Amnesia: White Night. Both got to me on a physiological level and when I finished both I had to sit there and question everything.
Edit: Seeing alot of PT, it's a shame it got cancelled because there was so much potential. And the spiritual successor to it Allison road, which also got shut down
*enters Upper Yharnam* *creepy music* Eh heh.. Yeah.. I'll come back later. *leaves* *comes back later* *walking down dark, spooky hallway with an item at the end, and sticky sounds* Alright.. Something's going to jump out at me.. *slowly creeps down hallway, until I get to item* Hm.. I guess no- *werewolf jumps through window* [b][u]You Died[/u][/b] *puts controller down* *takes deep breath* *walks upstairs to find my sister playing My Sims Kingdom* *sits on couch* I'm just going to sit here and cry for a bit. ;-;