are any good games from the era of the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox or earlier.
I'm tired of hearing about these HD remakes of games that really don't need it.
Agree? Don't? Tell OP to go fck himself? Toss salt and call heathen?
I don't care. What's your take?
I'll cast my support to the case by case basis camp. I am excited for skyrim because I really enjoyed the game, but I'd be even happier if it was Morrowind. I'd also like to see Mass Effect and Bioshock just because I enjoyed them so much. I'm curious about Batman because of the updated engine but I don't really think it's necessary at the same time. Now, going back like op said, I'd love to see the star wars rogue squadron games, metroid prime, the first 2 socom games, kotor, and a few others.