A new game piques your interest, but you're not set on whether or not you should buy it. So, you visit your most trusted videogame reviews website. Who would that be?
[u]Your other options are the following:[/u]
1. "I ask my friends."
2. "I base it on mass appeal, and how most players have received the game."
3. "I don't get a second opinion before buying a game and instead go off how I think it looks."
4. "I simply buy it without giving it much consideration, because I have money to waste."
None. This is pretty much what I do; Trusted franchise? (Kirby, Dark Souls, etc) Yes: +1 No: -1 Do I have the funds? Yes: +1 No: -5 Multiplayer only? Yes: -5 No: +1 RPG? Yes: +1 No: -1 Fantasy? Yes: +1 No: -1 Nudity/Sexual Content? Yes: No buy No: +1 And that's howI decide on games! :D It's never a defenitive yes or no, no matter what the number, though.