We all had that one moment were we wanted to access admin tools, but we didn't have a pc nearby or simply didn't know a much more reliable way to do it since the app lacks those admin tools feature. Today I'm gonna teach you all how to mod from your phone! So here we go!
[spoiler]you simply go to Google.com or Chrome(for better performance), look up Bungie.net and sign in and voila! Same as the computer version it might take a few tries to adjust screen but it works just Like the site version. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]it also depends on what phone you're using or IPod that might make the sign up easy or hard as well as navigating thru.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]if you're an apple user get Chrome because Safari usually never works for B.net.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]This is for the Admins/Founders just in case you're that limited in thought process[/spoiler]
And there ya have it! Ban away
You do know that only certain people can ban, right?