It's all personal interpretation and experience of course, but for me the ONLY thing that kept me playing destiny was friends. Made lots of friends in year 1 that I play all types of other games with now. That was my best take away from destiny.
I didn't find the content itself in destiny anything special (the VOG and KF being the exception, not the rule) and certainly would have been a one and done if playing solo.
Maybe grind for loot games just aren't for me. I dont get the fun of repeating something that offers zero challenge and requires no mental agility for reward which is purely to run that same thing yet again.
The best games in recent months (nearly a year of releases now) to me with the best experiences are all single player games (fo4, Witcher 3, uncharted, etc).
Reasonable, some of my friends don't like destiny either because of the grind. I guess growing up playing MMOs on my PC it made me like grind, hard to explain the grind but it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't with the people I spent it with. So many stories with so many different people. I do like uncharted :)
Edited by Devasstator: 6/17/2016 1:07:22 PMDestiny is by no means a bad game, I just see the cycle or trend, which will hopefully be broken in destiny 2 of end game being a small amount of strikes (5 over and over and over) and a single raid or raid activity. It's just way too little content to play for months and months and months to me. If there was more diversity and end game content it would be a much better experience. Year 2 has been horrible for lack of content. We will have had a single end game activity (I don't consider iron banner end game since light doesn't matter) for an entire year! (I guess CoE is but I hate PoE and always have)