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6/17/2016 2:22:24 PM

Skill-based matchmaking is not enjoyable

I have a good network at home, my internet is cabled and everything works fine. But whenever I try to go and have "fun" on destiny I get an instant red-bar. (pvp) I get shot through walls and almost every kill is delayed. It's a pain to play destiny now. I've played year one pvp, and that was so much better, regarding connections. I actually had fun, and I played against people from Europe, and my own country, the Netherlands. Right now I play against people in America, Australia and Italy. Just because I'm on the same skill level. For me, Skill-based matchmaking ruined my experience in destiny. My connection goes to hell whenever I try to play crucible, and I get matched with a lot of sweaties. That combination is not particulary convenient. Some examples are: Getting shoulder-charged through a wall, getting punched by a titan form miles away, getting sniped through walls, kills are delayed. And sometimes I can't even damage other players. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for competitive matches, and getting better. But having to create and entirely new account to get a couple of "fun" matches is stupid. In my opinion skill-based has to go. Make ToO a competitive environment. But let me have some fun in the crucible again. Or at least make a connection based playlist. So I don't have to worry about the constant lag. So go back to connection-based, or fix the servers, either of them will do.

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