[b]Video[/b]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyop2V7yROU
[b]Written Analysis for those trying to pass the time at work:[/b]
Hey everyone, Dukaness here with episode 9 of Trials Tips & Tutorials. This video is the sequel to “How to Get Assisted to the Lighthouse” (not carried, as I mentioned before, we call them assists). [b]This episode features the “Importance of the Support Player”[/b]. In the first video (which you should watch if you haven’t already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTP9ZvnWbUU&index=6&list=PLuVOEWcvu8p3f9etOsp7ZdH0ST2_bwOiN), we talked about positioning – what to do when it’s 3v3 and when you’re up or down a man. Today, we’re going into a little more detail by discussing what you can do to make yourself [i]most effective[/i] in those situations and others. It starts with picking your subclass, which is the only focus of this video because there is a lot to say. [b]I will explain why the only 4 classes you should consider in a support role are the Nightstalker, Sunsinger, Striker, and the Defender[/b]. These classes are not exclusively good for supporting, nor are the other classes bad for supporting, I just find these four to be the most effective in a support role based on my 200+ successful Lighthouse assists. One thing to remember is this video is for those who aren’t good enough to lead a team to Mercury, and who are planning on relying on good players to help them get there, although others may learn something too. If you’re just playing for fun, use whatever class and gear you like. But if you’re seeking help getting to Mercury and your only priority is going flawless, I highly recommend you take my suggestions to heart. Let’s get started.
[b]Importance of Supers[/b]
I mentioned in the other video that you shouldn’t be trying to make the plays. You should have a [i]RE-active[/i] mentality, not [i]PRO-active[/i]. For this reason, you want to avoid mobile, aggressive supers, because regardless of how good you are with Golden Gun, Storm Trance or Bladedancer in 6v6, teams that play you in your final two games will kill you right out of your super if you aren’t an experienced player. Getting killed out of your super in enemy territory is not helping your team win. But you know what does help? Smashing a supered enemy with Fist of Havoc or trading with an enemy using your tether. Defensive supers are the best asset for someone looking to be assisted. Using defensive supers is easier than offensive supers, so you should be able to manage this, even if you’re below average. [b]You aren’t here to make plays![/b] You’re here to give your above average teammates every opportunity for [i]them[/i] to make plays. I can’t make a play with a Bladedancer coming at me. But I sure as hell can win a round after you take him out. There are many other reasons why I suggest these four classes, so I’m going to talk about each one in a little more detail.
Sweet mother I love assisting you guys. Everything about this class screams support. Save those Suppression Grenades for when an enemy pops a super, or if another opportunity comes up, such as being able to tag 2 players at once. Make sure you call out who is supressed and where, so your team can go after them with you. Bubbles are the best super for a support player. In OT, popping a bubble on the capture point is a sure victory unless the other team has a super charged. Even then, you can force the other team to burn a super on only you, while your teammates sit back and pick people off. The other great thing about the bubble is it provides orbs to your teammates. You can charge their supers by popping yours. And lastly, bubbles are amazing for clutch revives. Don’t be afraid to drop a bubble on someone’s orb if the enemy team is closing in.
I hate playing against you but love helping you. As a support player, you’re not going to self-res into a 1v3 situation and try to clutch the round. Instead, wait for instruction from your teammates. When your super is charged, [b]let them know, especially if you’re dead[/b]. Knowing that information will help your team create a strategy for the current situation. When you self-res, spam grenades and push the enemy team back so you can revive your teammates. When you aren’t supered, you can still make a difference. In the past, I have preached to not waste grenades. Sunsingers are an exception to this rule due to fire bolts. Spam those things with max discipline. If you get a tag, absolutely call that out. They will be burning and weak for 10+ seconds, which is enough time for your team to push in and get a kill.
Your smash is your best asset. When your team is running away from a mobile enemy super, you should be running towards it. Bait them and smash them. Communicate everything on a play by play basis – [b]“I see him, he’s coming at me, I’m about to smash, I got him”[/b]. That will help your team know how much space they need to put between them and the enemy, as well as know when they need to jump in and help you cover the orb. My general rule for Strikers I’m assisting is you don’t use your smash unless you can get two kills or shut down a super. Next is lightning grenades, AKA the bane of my existence. These things can be SO effective. Running Armamentarium is a great choice, which gives you two grenades. Save these and use them when we charge an orb after a pick, and also if we get picked to block choke points so you can safely get a res.
Refer to everything I said about Strikers. Run double Smokes and use them the way Strikers use Lightning Grenades. Use your bow like a smash, but remember missing a tether can result in it landing too far from your enemy, which won’t stop their super. So, instead of trying to hit an enemy for a kill, make sure you shoot in front of them and finish them off with your primary.
[b]Summary (TL;DR)[/b]
Remember, no matter what class you’re using, as someone looking to be assisted, your goal is not to make plays, it is to help your teammates make the plays. The more opportunities you give them, the higher your chances of going flawless. And if two people do help you get a flawless, never forget that you earned it just as much as they did, no matter what role you played.
If you are someone looking to be assisted, let me know what you think of this video in the comments below. [b]I can’t emphasize enough how important your feedback is for making future videos[/b]. Good luck this weekend, my friends.
Bump for those yet to make the lighthouse.