That's fake. There is no way in hell bungie would alienate the majority of the community by making them have to finish the shax crucible quest line. No way. That was hard for people who love pvp, I can imagine how hard it would be for someone who hates pvp or hasn't even been in pvp.
It's very easy now. Just for finishing a match you get completions. Well done to those who did it earlier where you HAD to win games to progress.
It was hard in the beginning they actually made it really easy.
It was 100 wins in year 1 ..the quest is easier than 100 wins
Edited by Fishy, House of Losers: 6/23/2016 10:48:41 AMNope, I was wrong, it was 100. Carry on.
I suck at pvp.. But I managed to get chaperone(before SRL), been to the light house 10+ times and complete shaxx bounties each week. Mountaintop questline is a breeze. It will just require a little bit of time.
You weren't here for the year one exotic bounties, clearly
[quote]That's fake. There is no way in hell bungie would alienate the majority of the community by making them have to finish the shax crucible quest line. No way. That was hard for people who love pvp, I can imagine how hard it would be for someone who hates pvp or hasn't even been in pvp.[/quote] Hard? It may have been a little long (requiring some actual effort), but it certainly wasn't 'hard'
Hard? It wasn't hard and I'm average at best. It was long, but very easy.
Year 1 you needed 100 crucible wins, bud
We did?.. jesus christ.. my pvp ability went from "decent hold my own" to is he having a seizure
Hard? I suck at pvp and had it done in two play sessions, including the new bounties he and the quartermaster give out. Its not hard, just tedious and if a person is dedicated on finishing it, striving through the rough patches is worth it.
It was made way easier than when the game launched.
It wasn't hard, it was easy, the problem is that it took forever.
In Y1, you had to get 50 Crucible wins or something like that for MoT, so I could DEFINITELY see them doing this.
Really wasn't that hard I made a new titans last week and did that quest line in 45 min to get another hot head rocket launcher
It's not hard for pvpers. It's hard for some. But dam near impossible for non pvpers.
Yeah cause it's not like they'd make you win 100 crucible matches ;-)
Exactly lol
For grim yea, but grim isn't a rewarded achievements. They wouldn't alienate their largest part of the player base on an item such as that.
Erm that was taken from year 1 moments of triumph lol
I hated it lol
That Was easy
Bro I have 0.9 kd i'm shit at the crucible and I did the quest the first day.
I'm shit at PVP too and I completed it as well. Not that bad, just a grind