Here goes.
I was in Drifter and I was just getting into using different subclasses for PVP.
I was really finding Gunslinger great fun, double Knives and double StickMines #RIP.
I kept running into the same dude over and over and we had a few fierce battles.
As I always lifting my Golden Gun, he Quiver'd me.
I messaged him
Z: [i]I used to be a gunslinger, then I took and arrow to the knee![/i]
Q: [i]that skyrim pun tho[/i]
We switched maps onto Bannerfall and we had a few more run ins but he randomly left or DC'd.
So I messaged him, via inspiration from this picture.
Z: [i]If you're having Crucible problems I feel bad for ya son,
I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one![/i]
That picture had me crippled in pain from laughing.
I love skyrim and I can't wait for skyrim remastered.
That's hilarious! I love Skyrim
Me too.
100% getting the remastered version