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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/19/2016 3:12:50 PM
In one of the many dark rooms of the Bloodwrath, a Black Templar stirs from his slumber, his eyes flying open behind his visor. He got up to up with a groan, his breath rugged, and the mother of all headaches raging around in his head. Shit was bad. He groans again as he feels the familiar weight of his Bolter, dangling on his right hand via a Devotion Chain. I was on a mission before I woke up... That's one thing I know at least... The man thought to himself, his blue eyes scanning his surroundings from the inside of his helmet. He jerked his right arm up, pulling his Bolter with him, and into the air. He then blindly catched the grip, and firmly grasped it. The man shakes his head, the headache making it hard for him to think coherently, his thoughts hazy, his legs heavy. "I got fücked up... Shouldn't I have a squad? Where the fück are they? No matter... Just gotta get to civilization, if that's even a thing in here... Where the fück am I even..." He says to himself with a rough voice, his words given a metallic accent by his helmet. He started walking through the darkness, the soft grinding of gears and other metal things coming from his left arm as it shifted underneath his armour, his left hand soon twirling and shifting, before folding into his arms, only for a Chainsword to slide out, it softly growling as the teeth slowly spun. He then froze up as he heard some shuffling in the darkness, his eyes shooting over to the origin of the sound; a lonesome Chaos Marine, armed with nothing but a Chainsword. He didn't bother to check what Chapter, but instead just charged at the Chaos Scum, his Chainsword roaring as he yelled, "FOR THE EMPEROR!" And raised his Chainsword, the Chaos Marine having an "oh fück me" moment as he saw the Black Templar leap at him, the Chainsword arm already descending. Then, nothing. He wasn't even able to react in time. Blood flew everywhere as the Black Templar's Chainsword sank into the Chaos Marine's head, tearing it in half within seconds. He then pulled the Chainsword out, and in one swift motion, decapitated the lifeless corpse, the head splitting in half now that it was no longer held together by the throat. "Unclean Scum." He says nothing else, and just turns on his heels, walking away from the corpse as his Chainsword goes back to growling silently. [spoiler]Open. Short post, yaya. Still have writer's block. Shut up.[/spoiler] [spoiler]-blam!- you Shad. [/spoiler]

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