originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*i engage the rockets in my cynernetic lower half lifing me just enough off the ground*
*i dash towards you using the rockets, i then slash for time with my lotus and the conjure a shotgun and blast you in the chest all while maintaing a very fluid mtoion*
Come on PST, don't fail me now! *Mortar points the stick at you right before you shoot me and a portal opens up into the Dojo wall*
*my lotus gains a dark purple aura as i slash a t thin air sendoing a diagonal wave of unstabloe energy directly for you* this is quite fun.......your not half bad......... *large black gauntlets with black pearls in the palms form over my hands* yet neither am i.......
*The energy is being held back by a shadow being cast by Mortar's blade* Yea, I can tell you are an original member. *His sword forms into a large axe, and he adjusts his hands, waiting*
*i lunge at you and punch 5 times, each harder and faster then the last, i then slam the ground, causing large spiked mounds of shadow to bust out directly at you*
*Mortar is flung into the air, landing on his back, making an audible crunch* Ah, not again
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/19/2016 6:58:56 PMdont worry....after this i'll heal you......but until then...... *the guantlets become pure white then disappear* i get to have a little fun...... *large wings of hundreds of light black metal feathers unfold seemingly from nowhere as a small hole in the back of my trench coat opens in order to let them out, i then flap once, sending roughly 20 metal feathers towards you at high speeds*
Woah, woah, what are you doing. *Mortar, still on the ground, braces himself*
[spoiler]you might not have caught the edit, respond to this if you did, or previous post if you havent[/spoiler]
*Mortar rolls to the side avoiding them, then takes out what appears to be a taser and tazes himself. His limbs become longer, stronger as electricity flows through. Three arms protrude from his back, attached to them, a Mortar. His wounds seem to be nonexistent as he stands up and fires a few rounds like a cannon*
well then....... *i start to fly towards you as i aleron roll out of the way of each of the rounds, when i get close enough i kick you three times still midair, the third kick knocks you back a bit as i fly backwards a bit still facing you and i conjure a rag and fire a single rocket which causes a large explosion, the rpg then quickly dissipates*