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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/19/2016 10:34:15 PM
36 [b][i]Teamwork makes the dream work...until it doesn't. New York.[/i][/b] "Son of a bitch." [i] Jack breathes, slamming a hand down onto the concrete of the abandoned skyscraper he was holed up in. He was on the thirtieth floor, overlooking Central Park.. And the giant Hellhound currently using it as a playground and murder carnival.[/i] "Oh don't tell me you missed again Jacky boy! You're getting slop- oh shit!" [i] The happy voice of King came through his comms, cut off promptly as it sounded like the Hound tried to make him his new chew toy.[/i] "Shut up K. You try and hit an eyeball from over half a mile while it's moving." [i] Jack retorted, dialing in his scope and readjusting. It normally wouldn't be that hard to hit such a big target, but the giant mutt was covered in an iron like hide and the only thing visible were its eyes.[/i] "That's why I'm down here Jacky. I got the easy job. Blowing stuff up." [i] King's statement was punctuated as a cluster of trees went up in flames and smoke. More plastic explosives triggered in an attempt to rid them of their Cujo problem. [/i] "Would both of you idiots shut up? I'd like to get through this without one of us losing an arm. Again." [i] Queen's regal and strict voice came through their comms, as Jack loaded another round.[/i] "Copy." [i] He replied, sighting down into the park.[/i] "King, I need you to turn him to the North side. I can't shoot his ass end and kill him." [i] A grunt of effort is heard in reply as King stumbled through a cluster of trees.[/i] "Unless you got one big ass milk bone for bait, it may be a wee bit hard Jacky boy." "Do your best King. I've got faith in Jack's shot." [i] The calm and cold voice of their squad leader Ace came through their comms. Jack grinned. A compliment from Ace was as rare as a unicorn and a four-leaf clover's baby. [/i] "You got it boss. King, north side." "One second.. Alright he's on my tail. Anytime now Jack!" [i] King yells, sprinting through the brush as the giant dog/wolf/demon creature rampaged behind him. Jack nodded, Aiming several hundred feet downwards ahead of the mutt. Once he'd lined up the shot, he breathed out and pulled the trigger. A few moments later, a howl of pain erupts and a crash resonates as the hound drops dead, crushing several trees on its way down. Several breaths of relief are heard, and a row of congratulations. King, Queen, and then Ace. [/i] "Nice shot Jacky boy." "Good job Jack." "Good going J. Let's pack up team." [i] A chorus of agreements rings throughout the team as Jack stands up, capping the scope on his sniper. Turning around, his footsteps become uneasy beneath him as he struggles to stand. [/i] "What the fu-" [i] He manages, before falling unconscious on the concrete.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][i]Bloodwrath[/i][/b] [i] Jack wakes up in one of the hallways of the Bloodwrath. Dark, dank, and smelled of death. Sitting up groggily and massaging his head, making sure his mask was still on and all his equipment was present. [/i] "Guns, check. Knives, check. Next, where the -blam!- am I?" (Open.)

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