I don't understand the nerfs to firebolts, a skip does nearly the same damage in a quicker time and tracks farther but people didn't complain about them. Also, firebolts are insanely weak without using touch of flame AND Viking funeral, thus causing two extra perks to be used. While a hunter can use their grenades and two perks of their choice. (For example Skip grenades, hungering blade, and QuickDraw can be used while a Sunsinger NEEDS to give their bonus perks away to have a usable grenade) People are just on this "Firebolts OP" bandwagon because their favorite trials streamer complains about them 24/7. Also, I believe Bungie said Firebolts are working as intended after the April update (correct me if I'm wrong), so how are they all of a sudden not working correctly? If you actually read all the way to the end of this, thanks.
Yep, they keep nerfing warlocks while titans dominate after being buffed again.