I know what you're thinking that my opinion is. "Throwing Knives 2 OP needed n3rfing".
No. No, no, no , no , no and no.
Seriously, why Bungie? What was the need. I can even list some reasons why you've just made a massive c0ck-up.
1. Throwing Knives rewarded a skillful aim.
2. They have a rather long cool down.
3. They rarely OHKD as the most ran the precision perk.
4. They were the Gunslingers only counter to other classes longer range melees.
5. It felt rewarding to land a clutch throwing knife.
If these aren't the best reasons I apologise. I'm sure you can list some better ones below.
I just can't understand the logical side of the persons brain who decided that throwing knives were unbalanced? If you had to you could have just removed the incendiary knife...
Seriously, now I'm worried for shoulder charge, despite the range of the Stormcaller melee.
For proof that the Stormcaller melee is bad just watch Nkuch's latest video where he melees someone on Black Shield from past the OHK range of a Party Crasher.
Just know this hunters, we feel you.
Edit: [u][i][b]For those complaining that I am biased against warlocks I am not. I just have my views on their melees. Purely my opinion. I don't really want to see nerf posts on here either.[/b][/i][/u]
Anybody going for an insta with a throwing knife is stupid anyways.
Definitely, if anything they needed a buff.
why would anybody even think you would be the one guy who thought throwing knives needed a nerf? i still to this day have never seen one person who thought throwing knives were OP but whatever
Throwing knives area melee ability and shouldn't be able to one hit kill enemies. They nerfed the damage slightly because low armor combatants were prone to being OHK. Shoulder charge is a class ability..
I was killed by a throwing knife once. Now I don't think I ever will be again :(
Shoulder charge is more was better than throwing knives even before nerf
What exactly was the nerf? If it was just so they don't ohk I can understand the reasoning because no other class can use that at such long range.
All they needed to do was very slightly reduce the aim assist. Otherwise the damage was fine and some of the time the burn wouldn't even activate anyway.
My view of the throwing knife is usually watching it split my skull, followed by the death screen. Those things are brutal. I'm never bitter about dying by them though. Takes a fair amount of skill to hit the head.
You forgot that they nerfed the knife because the burn perk was annoying, why didn't they nerf the perk... I am now convinced that bungie is run by a bunch of farm animals [spoiler]I take that back, that was insulting to the animals[/spoiler]
Throwing knife should always OHK on a headshot. It's only fair to have it and shoulder charge the yin and yang
Never OHKD unless you're talking about a low light level and armor player in iron banner or trials
I never once felt cheated when dying to a throwing knife. Trip mines too, for that matter. I wish Gunslingers could return to their glory days. There was already so few of them to begin with.
I feel for Hunters aswell
Edited by The BEATDWN: 6/20/2016 10:02:51 PMFrom the hunter side I both agree and hope they stay away from shoulder charge. Stop the nerfing and just let us play
Outside of backstab, hunters lack a melee that can OHK. I don't mind melee being taken down to less than lethal... It forces a different play-style. But it seems strange Shoulder Charge was left untouched. (Though I am fine with this as-is).
Edited by lCertifiedl: 6/20/2016 6:49:38 PMI agree, I main warlock but do play hunter a good amount and don't see any reason for it at all, it wasn't exactly easy to headshot a player with it anyway but was really satisfying when you did...shame really. I don't mind shoulder charge either, titans should have a high armour and hard hitting melees, it's a Titan after all.
Thank you for saying it if I land a knife to the head it should one shot it's harder to pull off than hitting someone with a melee like thunder strike
I agree, throwing knives were seldom of an issue for me when I set foot in the crucible. I had more issues with wombo combos or the long duration of burns. But what would I know I am not a dev team member.
Edited by Hydraaa: 6/20/2016 7:40:19 PMBungie seem to suffer from a collective psychosis. They are disconnected from their own game. NO ONE complained about throwing knives or tripmines. Edit: I main Titan if that makes any difference.
Edited by GTLargo21: 6/20/2016 4:32:01 PMJust like how they keep fckn with your hammers. I feel you man. *sitting in corner of bar, sharpening knives* Takes a bit of practice to get down that arch distance, doesn't it?
[b]At Bungie HQ:[/b] Hmmm, let's do things different this time, ruin what they cried for and ruin something completely random!
Not all Titans think this way I play both gunslinger and striker
As a Titan, I've been killed by throwing knifes as being finished off pre-patch. As a Titan, I'm still killed by throwing knives the same way. What was nerfed exactly? Sorry been playing witcher 3 for a while don't see much a difference in crucible honestly