So do any of you Dead Orbit supporters actually even know the lore behind your faction or all of you just like "OMG BLACK SHADAHZ, I CAN BE SO EMO AND EDGY!"
I'm honestly wondering.
[i]~ Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]
They're actually trying to trick you into activating the halo array. Luckily for us, our ghost has the activation index.
Dead orbit whats that? All i know of are the emos of the galaxy.
Dead orbit for life you mono scum [spoiler]I'll beat you with bamboo[/spoiler]
Rank 25+ on all 3. Forgot about the lore behind them. That's so Year 1 lol.
Do you know that your faction believes you are inferior by heredity to an as yet unnamed royal family? I am not that fond of any of the faction philosophies. Dead Orbit does have good shaders, though (not mostly black - if anything, lots of white).
As if it matters in any way
I don't really care.
I'm too busy being a rainbow trout in FWC
Future war cult is better
So do any of you New Monarchy supporters actually even know the lore behind your faction or all of you just like "OMG MUH AUTHORITAY, I CAN STAND ON TOP OF DEAD BODIES AND BE THE FACIST DICTATOR AND PLACE MYSELF ABOVE MY FELLOW GAURDIANS!" I'm honestly wondering. #concordantbestfaction #nogodsnomasters [spoiler]see I can do it too[/spoiler]
Every time I see your signature, my gag reflexes activate.
I just wanted the revenant shader...funny thing is, I got it right after I got the old guard shader...literally right after I pick up the old guard shader...I felt so used.
Actually New Monarchy are pricks
I just wanted the ship... \/(o.O)\/ Also, did you just call Deej an edgy emo?
There is a spelling error you spelled dead orbit n e w m o n a r c h y
Destiny. Where the story and matching making come to life via websites
New monarchy all the way
I am Executor Hammerlock, of the New Monarchy. I appreciate the pledge of your allegiance to the New Monarchy.
I dont know any lore. if it wasnt important enough for bungie to incorporate it into the story line its not important enough for me to read.
>implying density has lore Lolwut
My faction is best faction.
The second one. IDK, I lost interest after I clicked on the header. Is this about cars?
Imma just grab my shaders/emblem/gear, and bounce. I have 100% new monarchy stuff on Hunter, moved to dead orbit and will rinse and repeat with other 2 characters. Why bother staying in the faction after that? Gear only drops at max 330. Now, if factions had faction specific bounties besides patrols, I'd stick with one.
I initially grabbed the rep for the shaders, but I really don't care much. Besides, the shaders aren't nearly as cool as I initially thought. Now I'm farming Calcified Fragments for Beltane and desperately trying to find someone to do the RaF for me to get Infinite Link. Black + Red >>> Black + Silver.
Earth is a lost cause. Build a fleet and leave the solar system in search for a new home.