originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The bullet finds its mark and Tesuto reels back from the shot smacking his armour. Luckily, it didn't go through.
Still trying to get air, Tesuto aims his blade at Coin, and unleashes a stream of electricity that rains down on her.[/b]
[b]coin is shocked by the powerful blast, but is resilient enough to stay conscious[/b] Gaaaaaaagh! [i]*slings beamrifle from back, using it to prop me up and use as a grounding tool*[/i]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 6/20/2016 9:21:19 PM[b]The Electricity dies, but a foot finds its place in Coins chin as Tesuto roundhouse kicks her.[/b]
[i]*coin is sent flying towards the cliff* *pulls out knife, jamming it into the ridge as she goes over*[/i] [b]coin is still carrying her beamrifle, and aims at you however, she's been dazed, and her aim is wobbly she fires[/b]
[b]The shot streams straight through Tesutos shoulder.[/b] [spoiler]Huh. I didn't know we were fighting on the cliff....hey okay.[/spoiler] [b]Tesuto falls back from the shot. [/b]
[i]*weakly climbs back up from ledge, and stands up using beamrifle as a prop*[/i] I have no idea how I did that, but I guess I did. [i]*begins wobbling over to you*[/i]
[b]Coin hears a [i]Whiss[/i] and suddenly feels the piercing pain and impact of a shuriken finding its place in her leg. Tesuto has his Vambrace aimed at her, as another shuriken ejects itself from his wrist and flies towards her. [/b]
Edited by Management: 6/20/2016 9:31:49 PM[i]*she instantly falls towards the ground, the second shuriken whizzing past her*[/i]
[b]Tesuto Does a Chinese get up and unfolds his Mongolian bow. Arrows "pop" from his right Vambrace as he nocks the arrow quickly, and draws the bow....[/b]
[b]coin is lying motionless on the ground, clutching her chest[/b]
[b]Tesuto lets off the arrow. Finding its place in Coins belly.[/b]
*face down on the ground
[spoiler]Its a trap![/spoiler] [b]Tesuto moves closer to investigate. Cautious of the still body.[/b]
[b]Coin waits patiently for him to get closer[/b]
[b]Tesuto scans the body.[/b] You know. I don't think this plan is working out well for you.....
Edited by Management: 6/20/2016 9:43:09 PMEh. It was worth a shot. [i]*holds up hand; it holds the blade*[/i] A lil help?
[b]Tesuto, being the honourable and incredibly gullible Synthetic that he is, goes to help Coin up.[/b]
[b]Coin, being honourable mercenary she is, doesn't try anything funny and sheathes her knife as she stands up[/b] Thanks.
[b]Tesuto takes a few paces back. He unfolds his bow, and draws his blades.[/b] [b]He awaits Coins move.[/b]
[i]*reaches out for your balance* *falls flat on face*[/i] [b]the shuriken must have severed a tendon in her leg[/b] No digistruct! That's not how- fuсk- how it works in a real battle! [i]*uses beamrifle as a prop again* *draws pistol*[/i]
[b]Tesuto puts his blades to his sides. He realizes that his shoulder doesn't seem to be moving that well. He watches Coin stumble around[/b]
[i]*stumbles to bike, leaning on it*[/i] Lemme just take a breather. [i]*leans to far and falls over the bike* *lands on back*[/i] May I just come in the dojo? It seems like we've reached a stalemate.
Oh I am just fine Milady. It seems that you are the one who is having the troubles. If you do not wish to continue. You may leave. Or, you may finish your trial.
[i]*lets beamrifle fall to ground* *fires*[/i] [b]the beam catches you off-guard, destroying the supports in your left foot, and further completely tearing it off[/b]
[spoiler]Dismemberment is discouraged. But I'll roll with it.[/spoiler] AGH! [b]Tesuto impales his blade into the ground to keep himself upright. He aims his blade at you, and a plume of fire extends itself in your direction[/b]
Ap. Well, shit. [b]coin is burned alive[/b]