I'll use that to torture him. *Mortar chuckles*
"You're welcome."
"So where are they?"
I don't know
"I'll stay here for a bit I suppose. See if they come by."
I guess. So this is where we part ways?
"For now. Do you know of anywhere I can stay?"
You can stay at Kross's place, it'll be the easiest place to find him too.
"Good point"
Yeah. Plus I wanna see the look on his face
"What look?"
The look of "who the hell is this person in my room"
"Haha. You should come."
I guess... why the hell not, I'll go
"Let's get back."
Yeah. *Mortar walks back to Kross's house*
[b]She follows[/b]
*Mortar walks through the door, it seems cooler in the room than it did before* Damn, I'll turn up the heat a little.
"Yeah. Why is it so cold?"
Don't know. *Mortar turns up the thermostat* That's better. Maybe it was on an auto timer?
"A what?"
You know, you can set a timer to make stuff happen in your home when you're not there. Stuff like turning on lights, changing the thermostat, that stuff