Throwing knives area melee ability and shouldn't be able to one hit kill enemies. They nerfed the damage slightly because low armor combatants were prone to being OHK. Shoulder charge is a class ability..
Throwing knives are also a class ability
Do any other melee abilities one hit?
Yes, shoulder charge. Throwing knives only one hit kill in very certain circumstances; shoulder charge always one hits kill. Also the storm grip overload can one hit kill.
Storm Grip overload kills only if the target is weakened and same goes for the throwing knife. SHOULDER CHARGE IS NOT A MELEE, it's a class ability .. Just like the running shield and juggernaut
If you look above a guardians head and punch with storm grip overload it will one hit. Headshot a with melee do more damage
Seriously? I didn't know that
I don't know if they changed it but at least pre June update if you are looking above their head and melee them it counts as a "headshot"
I've been killed by storm grip when I had full health. The throwing knife takes a certain amount of skill to kill someone with. If that target is weakened and then you use a knife to kill him that doesn't count as a OHK
Throwing knives WITH incendiary blade could OHK only low armor build.
They shouldn't OH at all
By themselves, they never have. A regular knife does a healthy bit of damage, but never instakills. Even incendiaries didn't instakill in my memory. You had to pair an obscure exotic with incendiary to get a OHK, and even then it was glitch. Pretty dumb thing to try for, IMO, but that may just be me.