originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]The forced her to stop dead in her tracks, where she fe back. She was the worse fighter of the two. She gasps for air, getting back up with the sword. [/i]
Why are you here?
"To... Train..." [i]The woman says between heavy breaths. [/i]
Well, this was your acceptance fight. Welcome, you passed. Now, for them. [b]Smaug points at me and the other person[/b]
[i]The redhead wasted no time. As soon as he pointed, she grasped the sword in both hands, swinging at your chest. [/i]
WOAH! [b]i use my pants[/b] [spoiler]shield around me for 2 turns[/spoiler] [b]i rip the sword out of her hands and headbut her[/b]
[i]Her grip was that if iron, making her unable to be disarmed until she was further weakened. When he hit her with the headbutt, she just took the hit like s champion. It seemed this woman was tougher than she looked, which was proven when she tried to grab his Pants and pull them off his body. [/i]
Ow! I hurt my head for nothing! [b]i hold my head[/b]
[i]The woman stands back, analyzing the state of her opponent. [/i]
[b]is just holding my head[/b] I was gonna look cool...
"Doesn't work like that pumpkin."
Shut up! [b]my scythe appears and I slice horizontally at her right knee[/b]
[i]Diana just jumps, landing on the blade with both feet, while slashing at the wood of the scythe. [/i]
[b]when she is about to land on the blade I turn it so the blade is facing up[/b]
[i]She positions her feet so they're at the side of the blade, where she pushes it to the side. Though she was starting to tire. [/i]
[b]the bottom pops off and a poisonous gas comes out, level 2[/b] [b]your vision is blurry and your senses are slowed[/b]
"What... The... Hell..." [i]Diana murmurs as she steps back, raising her blade once more. This was odd, but she thought it was utter bullshit really. [/i]
[b]i drop the scythe and roundhouse kick her[/b]
[i]The hit connected with her face, which sent her to spin full circle. When she felt her face after, there was just pure anger that remained with her. She was quite the hothead, which really showed here. [/i]
[b]i use super strength and uppercut her[/b]
[i]She steps backwards once, avoiding the hit. Her counter was to swing at his arm as it came up, chopping the arm clean off with a hit. [/i]
[b]i like my arm and think of a way out of it[/b] [b]I open a portal in front of your sword and another beside your neck[/b]
[spoiler]No. I don't give a damn that you're initiating me into the Dojo, no. You know that's bullshit, you know that's godmodding. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i like my arm[/spoiler] [spoiler]but i'll fix it[/spoiler] [b]my portal opens behind your leg instead of your neck[/b]
[i][i]The woman hits her own leg in the back of her shin, which forces her to fall a slight bit. When she pulled it back, she drove the sword into your stomach. [/i][/i] [spoiler]It's an RP, doesn't matter what someone likes. You want your arm? Heal yourself magically after the fight, or get a prosthetic, not my problem. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]true...[/spoiler] [b]i use my pants to block the stab[/b] [b]i punch her in the face[/b] I think it's time to stop... you're approved.