You know, you can set a timer to make stuff happen in your home when you're not there. Stuff like turning on lights, changing the thermostat, that stuff
"You can?"
Yeah, it's been around since like, what, 2002 ish?
"What year is it?"
2016, I think
"The hell?!"
Wait, what year did you think it was?
Damn, that is LONG ago. What... what happened then?
"Ah- uh- what?"
How is it that you are here 750 years later?
"I wouldn't know."
Hmm... ever hear of Gore?
Gore, an old God. You heard of him?
Weird... well, I'm Gore, but you can call me Mortar
"I am Nora. You can call me Nora."
Yeah, good to see humor doesn't fade after that long
"I have so many questions is all." [b]She sits on the ground [/b]
Yeah, likewise
"Take a seat. We will wait."
Of course