Before you read this, please keep in mind that I'm not trying to complain about an ability or rant about a class I get killed by frequently! Keep your comments mature.
Starting off, I think that all Titans should receive a slight mobility nerf to prevent them from moving around the map quite so easily and quickly. It just doesn't seem to fit with the intended role of the class, and kind of ruins what hunters are supposed to be good at: mobility. The fact that they're so fast also just makes it even more difficult to get out of the way of one barreling at you with juggernaut or shoulder charge.
Next, I think that shoulder charge should consume your melee energy on a successful hit. This is just because of how powerful of an effect it has, and how its functionality is also very similar to that of a melee. If this seems too severe, then maybe they could make it only consume half of your melee energy, or make its duration window shorter.
Juggernaut: I think they should simply lower the amount of hit points on the shield and reconsider whether or not it should tank hits from supers such as golden gun. There's nothing more frustrating than playing with a sniper rifle and being rushed by a juggernaut striker. If you're using anything other than the Last Word, you'll probably die 2 out of 3 times.
Lightning grenade: I think that, similar to the Tripmine grenade, lightning grenades should do more/less damage according to how far away the victim is from the grenade. This will make it less frustrating to be nearly out of its blast radius and get hit from a shocking (haha) distance away and die. I understand the argument that you can just run away from the grenade, but their area of effect is surprisingly large.
Pulse grenade could use a little more oomph, and flash bang should probably stun targets for a longer period of time. Just to make these two grenades compete with others.
The super feels fine, nothing to gripe about there.