Throwing knife has zero aim assist but it does have a large(ish) hit box
Don't believe me
Try to head shot dregs at medium range with it
Only really reliable in close spaces when someone is rushing you straight on
I don't believe you. Half my knives whiz by dregs. I'm also rusty with them.
That's my point At medium to long ranges knives have little chance to hit Hence having no aim assist Up close the larger hit box is more noticeable
If you try to hit someone with it at long range, you're just dumb.
Long range is relative If you're trying to get reliable hits in pulse/scout rifle range then yes It's not the best decision [u]however[/u] You can reliably get them in hand cannon ranges Either way They don't have high aim assist and require more skill to use than any other class melee
I meant from a modest range. Like I said I'm rusty with them. Hadn't played with it for a whole year upwards.
Not sure what part of my post you're disagreeing with then
The hit box being large. Maybe I'm just that bad at throwing knives and need to practice.