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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 6/24/2016 8:25:31 PM
[b][i]The Darkest Shadow The slums, General Quarters[/i][/b] [i] An orphan feels an itch within his mind as he walks the dimly lit streets of the slums, deep within the general quarters. His parents were murdered two nights ago, right before his eyes. The little boy remembers the wet, resounding impacts of the blade being forced into his fathers eye socket over and over and over, and the gurgling noise escaping his mothers mouth as her throat was slit. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and he hadn't slept for a single moment since then. His body was on the brink of collapse. The orphan passes an alley way, when he notices something in the shadows. A man wearing his father's clothes stands in the darkness, back turned to the child. The child's heart skips a beat at the recognition of his presumably dead father standing a few meters before him. "Papa??" The child calls out to his father. No reaction. [b]The child slowly moves closer, pulse racing. [/b] "Papa??" [b]The child is a single step away.[/b] "....papa?" The child whispers. [b]The thing before the orphan slowly turns around, revealing gaping, bloody holes where the eyes used to be.[/b] The child screams and tries to escape. He makes it out of the alley and into a crowded area, but thing wearing his fathers skin follows, feeding on the orphan's fear. [b]Suddenly, the boy's body is no longer his to control. Helpless, the boy watches his own hands as they snatch a side arm from the man next to him, take aim, and blow the head off 4 innocent bystanders before turning the gun on himself. The boy shoots himself in the knees over and over until the ammunition in his weapon is depleted. The child screams as the blood squirts out like a fountain. The beast wearing his fathers skin approaches, smiling with a mouth full of too many teeth. The child screams as the beast's mouth clamps down on his face, violently tearing the flesh off in strips of bloody meat and skin. A gang of bystanders lay into the thing wearing his fathers skin, beating it's head and back with improvised Melee weapons, trying anything so save the child from this monster. With a violent roar, the beast tears the men limb from limb right before the child, ending them quickly and without mercy. The child tries to crawl away, hands slipping in his own blood before the beast tears into his face once more. The orphan is tossed about like a rag doll as his tormentor continues to feast on the pain and the fear, keeping its victim alive and conscious. A bolt round strikes the man thing, barely impacting it as if it weighed several tons and was immovable. The space marines that fired the shot begin sawing each other limbs off, one by one, with chain swords. They take turns until nothing is left but one arm and one head on each of the bodies. The remnants of the space marines decapitate each other simultaneously, spraying the scene with arterial blood. Finally the beast reveals its true self, 17ft tall and made of pure hard shadow. The child screams as Armageddon unhinges his jaws like a massive snake, and eats the boy alive - screams echoing within it's mouth as the boy's body is torn and crushed to bits. Armageddon turns his attention to the crowd, killing everything it sees and feeding on the fear.[/b][/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]Open. Keep in mind, Armageddon is the master of shadows. Keep him in the light and remember he can control minds... The strongest champions resist his touch, but your allies could turn against you.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Dis Iz 4 Fulgrim.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]*cue a-team theme*[/spoiler] The Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus, A Mind Anathema to Chaos, The purest chapter, The Grey Knights, Three of them to be exact have been sent by Inquisitor Ling Defaln to deal with this terrible threat. One of them was within Terminator Armor, it was armed with a storm bolter upon its left gauntlet. The others were in standard issue power armor, yet the trio was within blessed Armor thanks to the Paladin Terminator. The other two had Psybolters instead of a storm bolter. Still very potent. Their melee weapons were Nemesis Force Halberds. The trio looked around, aiming their Bolters at whatever moved, The elite daemonhunters of the Imperium have come for Armageddon, and they aren't leaving without a body. [spoiler]Literally the only people I had that wouldnt die in a instant.[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i]The sight before you invokes a moment of involuntary, primal panic... Shredded corpses and mutilated flesh is draped over every street light, allowing only the dimmest, darkest red corpse light to diffuse through, and throwing unnatural shadows that whisper to you, promising you the most terrifying death imaginable. Buzzing flies and masses of writhing maggots feed on the remnants of unrecognizable human flesh, littering the street as far as your eyes can see in this darkness. Sigils of glowing chaos runes are inscribed on the few walls left standing, turning your stomach as you involuntarily eyeball their Unhøly geometry. Two Leman Russ battle tanks are burning several meters away in a street, illuminating dozens of corpses strung up to busted light posts by their entrails... Some still twitching as parasitic worms feast on their eyeballs. A piercing scream comes from right around the corner. [/i][/b]

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  • The trio looked around, clearly they needed more light if they were to fight successfully. So the Terminator Knight started a prayer, while the other two kept close guard, trying to observe the area as closely as they can. Of course it would probably take more to successfully do this, but they were lacking in numbers.

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  • [b][i]Dagger wielding cultists and a single flesh priest gathers around a writhing woman, they are cutting the flesh from her bones while she yet lives. You can hear the wet tearing flesh and the muffled, tongueless screaming... It sends chills down your spine. This is the Cult of Armageddon. The flesh priest's eyeless and skinless face snaps in your direction. Fire burns in it's empty sockets as it begins chanting. Rotten hands burst from the ground beneath your feet, firmly holding you in place as a mob of dagger wielding cultists run towards you, wearing the stolen skin of the fallen as clothes with chunks of wet meat gushing coagulated blood as they move. The flesh priest teleports to the top of a roof, brandishing a large staff with a severed, rotten head bonded to the top, oozing Unhøly light and resonating power of necromancy. From the ground all around, the undead rise to their feet. The flayed corpses sluggishly make their way towards you, cutting off escape from the rear. [spoiler]now we can have fun :)[/spoiler] [/i][/b]

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  • Bumpity

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  • [b]The Hunter stands there, watching.[/b][i]Hello. It's been a long time, hasn't it?[/i]

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  • [b][i]Armageddon stops mid stride, turning his enormous head towards you - blood dripping from his body of hard shadow. Armageddon stares at you.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]I guess you'll take control, won't you, Master.[/i][b]The Hunter pulls out his scythe, ready for combat.[/b]

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  • [b][i]The scythe turns red hot and catches your hands on fire, the pain is searing.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]The Hunter continues to hold the scythe.[/b] [i]Armageddon, my old friend, what are you here for? Revenge? To gain more power? Well, you cannot! There is already a god guarding this ship![/i]

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  • [b][i]Armageddon stairs at you as you catch on fire from the red hot weapon. "God is not here today, heretic" Says Armageddon in your voice as the flames begin to obscure your vision.[/i][/b]

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  • [b]The Hunter simply snaps and the fires go out.[/b][i]Oh, Armageddon, you truly are weak.[/i][b]The Hunter smashes his scythe onto the ground, revealing light behind him. He begins to glow a light yellow. He then holds out his hand, and from it comes a beam of pure light.[/b] [spoiler]Armageddon is totally ded. My power level is over 9000.[/spoiler]

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  • As the streets were emptied by the fleeing masses, quiet fell on the slums of the quarters. A quiet that was occasionally disturbed by the screams of a person being flayed alive. However, it was equally disturbed by another sound... two heavy feet clanking on the paved streets, through the puddles of blood and on the mutilated corpses. [i][b]"Bloody humies always makin' a mess o' things..."[/b][/i] The deep, grovely voice of the being rose above the buildings... as was his stature. His impossibly dark green skin was hidden underneath the layers of armour and weapons he lobbed on his body. As his right hand, his precious biggest shoota. On his left hand, his fearsome krusha klaw. A group of unsuspecting cultists of armageddon were taken in crazed prayers, hanging corpses and still living victims from street posts. They felt the rumbling of the footsteps nearing them, in rage, they drew their daggers and looked towards who was disturbing their prayer. The last thing they ever saw was the terrifying, hulking mass of Warlord Godkillah da strongest, legendary ork warboss. He stood at around twenty feet in height, his mass covered in red armour. His right arm unleashed unparalleled destruction, at a level so intense that a mere volley was enough to evaporate the cultists, the streetposts and the three buildings behind them, reducing to ashes and lumps the few civilians that were still hiding in the buildings.

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  • [b][i]Silence fills the air. The only sound you hear are the sounds of flies and insects feeding on rotten flesh. [/i][/b]

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  • [i][b]"Bloody bugs all ova da place!"[/b][/i] The giant ork laughs to himself as he continues down the barren road, stepping over corpse, carcass and junk alike. If anyone - or anything - was foolish enough to get in his way, well, to put it simply, they wouldn't live to regret it very long.

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 6/30/2016 5:58:29 PM

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  • [spoiler]I already replied to this[/spoiler]

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  • [b][i]"XENOS FILTH, YOUR OBLIVION IS AT HAND!!!" Echoes the Summoner's enraged voice through the halls. The floor beneath your feet turns red hot as chaos runes spontaneously combust across the deck with green flames. The Summoner appears with a flash of corpse light and embers of floating warp debris that look like distant, glowing stars. Without a word, warp flames engulf you, burning up from the flash melted floor - you fall into the small lake of molten steel, sinking beneath the glowing surface. The intense heat begins to melt you and your armor. The Summoner releases an intense frost nova over the top of the molten lake, solidifying the metal over your head and trapping you in the glowing inferno of boiling steel.[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 6/30/2016 2:33:23 PM
    [i][b]"EY! ISS GETTIN' HOT IN 'ERE!"[/b][/i] Without further adue, Godkillah blasts a hole through the ice with his massive cannons, and jumps out of the pool of molten metal. [i][b]"DAT WASN' VERY NOICE!"[/b][/i] He says, as the cooling metal falls off of him. He points his gun arm at the Summoner, there was enough destruction within it to destroy an entire battefield. Four baneblade cannons that rotated within the center, surrounded by punisher cannons, Executioner cannons and Eliminator cannons. And as if that wasn't enough, four Tau railguns were placed around that. And all of it, without mentionning the dozens of pods of Hunter-Killer missiles on his back. [b][i]"I'M GUNNA SQUASH YOU FER DAT!!!"[/i][/b] Without waiting any longer, he fired, unleashing absolute annihilation upon the Summoner. [spoiler]thought I was here to fight Armageddon.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]you are [/spoiler] [b][i]The Summoner shrieks with pain as the impacts detonate into his flesh, blowing him to pieces. You suddenly realize an amused presence inside your head, something that has been clouding your reality for quite some time. Subtle at first. More limbs go flying than you expected, and they're the wrong color. They're green... Body parts and ashes pelt the walls all around the large hall... Then you realize that the Summoner was not your victim. The body parts around you are those of multiple orcs who had been with you all along.. They had banded with you once you had entered the area. You also realize that the lake of molten steel was inside your head, a diversion from the truth. The truth steps out of the shadows, horrifying to behold. Armageddon smiles at you with too many teeth, and with that, all of the light is snuffed out. You find yourself face to face with Armageddon.[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 6/30/2016 10:29:18 PM
    The warboss had little care for dead orks. If they had died, it was simply because they weren't good enough for the Waaagh! Godkillah looked at Armageddon. [i][b]"Oi! Uz wiff dem triks!"[/b][/i] He called out to him, unaffected by the horrors, unable to feel fear. After all, orks have no fear of death. And one who doesn't fear death, well, doesn't fear many things, if not nothing. [i][b]"Stop dat! Or I'll squash U like a git!"[/b][/i] The cavernous voice of the ork rang out.

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  • [b][i]Your primitive brain is too basic to do real damage with mind control... Primitive and extremely resilient. Your body is resistant to physical damage and much pain... Even the most extreme pain. Although pain resistance is your speciality, pain infliction is Armageddon's greatest gift of all. Armageddon is the definition of pain. Armageddon's body of hard shadow solidifies as he beams through the air like a bolt of lightning, slamming into you like a freight train. As your body is catapulted into the air, Armageddon's talons extend, savagely raking across your belly and snagging a single strand of severed intestines - your body continues to fly away as your guts unspool like a fraying sweater. You slam through a wall and are impaled on multiple spikes of rebar that jab through your left leg and left bicep. As you start you move, you see a long ribbon of glistening intestinal tract quickly being pulled it of your body and out of the building towards Armageddon who is literally sucking your guts out like wet noodles - You've lost nearly the length of a football field by now and are quickly losing more by the second. [/i][/b] [spoiler]orcs can take a -blam!- ton of damage, you aiigjt so far lol. I recommend getting Armageddon out of the dark.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 7/1/2016 3:57:32 AM
    He didn't care about guts. He had plenty to go around. With his claw, he snapped the guts off, making Armageddon lose his grip. The rebars had pierced through the lighter leg armour, but Godkillah had no fuсks to give about it. He simply hurled himself off the wall, bringing the wall with him. when he landed, the resulting shockwave was enough to make Armageddon lose footing. The Ork was standing on his feet while Armageddon was regaining his stance. [i][b]"Hmm... yer one shady grot, eh? Maybes the light'll do ya in!"[/b][/i] And then, Godkillah raised his arm. Something was amiss. His weapon arm begun shifting, as if weapons were being swapped internally. It moved like a puzzle through his arm, which then changed. The four baneblade cannons were gone, as were most of the Leman Russ Cannons. They had been swapped. Now, his arm was composed of mostly Punisher cannons, who unleashed a hail of bolts upon Armageddon, so much that it caused him to stagger. Eliminator Autocannons did a similar effect, firing blasts of undeniable damage upon Armageddon. But, all this combined fire did have an effect. The intense combined muzzle flash from these weapons weakened the being. His hard body began softening. Was the Ork actually having a strategy? Impossible... orks are retards! They're fools! How could that be? [spoiler]you wanted light.... here. Have some.[/spoiler] But, the crowning gem of this beholding gun arm was the central piece. Pulled straight off of a Warhound titan. In the center of his arm, Godkillah held a Twin-linked Turbo-laser destructor. The green barrels of the weapon had begun charging to fire. And as if that wasn't enough overkill, the cherry on top of it all spawned. Appearing both above and below the two cannons were Tau Pulse Driver cannons, one above and one below. The flat, massive guns began charging energy at the same rate as the Turbolaser. And before Armageddon could recover from the staggering blows of the Punisher and Eliminator cannons, they all fired, a massive, blinding blue flash emanating from the two tau weapons. The green and blue resulting blast was directed into Armageddon. [spoiler]Lasers = pure concentrated light. So... yep. And if you don't know what Tau Pulse Driver cannons can do... here's a link.[/spoiler] The sheer heat of the Laser, combined with the intensity of the light was already enough to evaporate the entire buildings, street and air around the path of the laser. So, with Armageddon at its core, he stood no chance. The huge, overkill laser bolts reduced what they struck to cinder, including the walls of the ship behind him, who were struck with the exit laser. Armageddon's skin, flesh, bones, even the semi-digested were reduced to ashes in the path of the laser. And even if his shadow armour could have survived, it was rendered useless by the pure beams of light that were the lasers. Combined with that were the Pulse Driver cannons. The two focused beams of electromagnetically accelerated plasma burned into Armageddon, rending his flesh into ashes. And then, the large ferromagnetic slugs slammed into the cracking, burning being, making him explode into a fury of cinders and ashes, which then burned individually as well.

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  • [spoiler]holy -blam!-balls[/spoiler] [b][i]The blast sent a shockwave through the entire ship, throwing everyone and everything within 100km around like rag dolls. As far as the slums and Armageddon... Well... There wasn't much left. [spoiler]ok so Armageddon is dead as fuçk in reality but his soul will eventually manifest again, but having a weapons like that is counter productive to everything considering you just blew the slums to pieces and wasted lots of sacrifices for the Bloodwrath. Yeah.[/spoiler][/i][/b] [b][i]As what little debris that remained of the slums falls down from the sky, the air takes on a sickly shade of red corpse light. The Summoner steps out into this reality, flanked by a levitating man of Red energy. The Summoner looks around at your handiwork, not saying a word.. But in shock at the devastation. He looks at you. "How unfortunate.." He says, psychic flames dancing in his eyes. "This xenos..." Begins the Red Man, energy humming in his emotionless voice. The Red Man eyes you. "...imprison it in the Hourglass, Satrius." Says the Red Man. The Summoner eyes your fearsome weaponry. "Shall his weapons be stripped?" "No, he will need them in the prison. Armageddon will be waiting for him there." [/i][/b] [b][i]You vanish into thin air.[/i][/b] [spoiler]you can make a post where you wake up inside the hourglass. Damn I guess chapter 2 will be here sooner than I thought.[/spoiler]

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