If so, what army do you play? What's your favorite unit? What's your most hated enemy?
I use dark Angels, so deathwing terminators are my life.
I use eldar, haven't played in years so I don't remember the name of my favorite and least favorite units
Do you mean the table top game? I used to play that.
Edited by moist nana: 6/29/2016 11:47:15 AMYears and years ago i had an army of those Necro? Machine skeleton people? All i remember was they had some special ability where you could just raise from the dead? It used to piss alot of people off seeing as you can just horde mode across open spaces. That and some wraiths and that grim reaper looking dude, still have them somewhere but there probably all broken :(
Dark Eldar, no favourites
Edited by awesome1401: 6/27/2016 2:46:15 PMStill got ultra marines, salamanders and Orc armies gathering dust. Made my own salamanders chapter master out of terminator armour, green stuff, the forge world Huron black heart model and other stuff, use to frequently enter my ultra marine captain [cant remember his name, has a spartan like thing on top his helmet] that is painted ridiculously good in competitions, and plenty of Orc contraptions I made up with a really awesome battle wagon centrepiece.
It interests me but I don't the painting skills or the money to invest into making an army. I have very minor knowledge on the franchise (Purge. Cleanse. Kill.) anyone able to suggest a decent starting point?
Do you mean the table top game? I have not played the table top game in decades. I still play the 40K RTS from time to time though.
Used too. Eldar and Thousand Sons player.
Not so much any more but I still paint. I have a huge Tyranid army and a growing Necron one. Chaos was my first army. Got quite a nice one but I haven't added to it for a while. Warhammer fantasy is where most of my money goes but I never played the table top with it. I had a massive undead army lead by Nagash and then they changed everything, killed him off and split the undead up. Lost interest after that but carried on painting, it has some fantastic models.
Actually I play the tabletop RPG, specifically Deathwatch
No, I'm not gay
Yup, Ork player. Though been out of it for a while now, may try to motivate myself back in. At the moment I been focusing on Warmahordes with the new mk3 rules.
Haven't played in a few years, moved and there really isn't a 40K scene here. Between my son and I, we probably have around 100k points across multiple armies. My favorites are Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and my all bike/land speeder custom SM's. Hate Tau with a passion.
Despite my username showing one race I had a fondness for, I always loved the Blood Angels.
No. It's obscenely expensive for what it is.
Yes I do. I infact have a An'ggrath Bloodthirster model.
>has Emporer Titan >doesn't play anymore >Just enjoys the sight of such a massive beast
I've been thinking of starting an army. I'll either go Tyrannid or Tau
This is like a d&d type game right? Or at least the version your talking about?
Edited by weirdboy99: 6/21/2016 8:23:07 AMHa ofcourse, and you may gues which army and which unit. Should not be to hard I think :-p Oh and most hated army must be Eldar, Harlequins in particulair.
My armies are Imperial Guard and Skitarii. My favorite unit is probably the Skitarii Vanguard. My most hated army in terms of playing against is probably Tau, although that may be just because of the lists I've been against when I've fought tau players (namely, somebody who own a cheese list of tau).
Recently started Age of Sigmar
I've wanted to but the price has always turned me off.
Used to tau.. hated everything. Havent played them since they updated their codex though